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Posts posted by darkbluefirefly

  1. what you just ask would be probably a week of coding.


    first you gotta read the memory of said locations

    then you gotta calculate what does what

    then you gotta not inject, but use windows api to move the mouse so it can do said actions.

    this would also require probably an array or some sort to keep track, because you can not simply have one square as a full stack and etc.

  2. 2% of the PoE players run PoE on a VM windows box from their Linux box.

    playonlinux or w/e. Should be safe, plus you can easily hide that the box is currently runing in a virtual environment with a few tweaks here and there, but atm, the hence of them detecting via this is too low, to be honest they don't have the time or resource.

  3. ok ok here's your problem.


    - dont care about the ugly graphic, you are botting who gives a fuck how nice it looks.

    - check to see that you don't have an npc menu open, that shit does weird things.

    -vm, it happens, especially if your pc is low end, lag is suppose to happen unless you give the vm near same specs as high end pc.


    - click inside the vm before you press a button, it has to get focus to send input to it =.=


    -you are doing something wrong, check to make sure the bot is not trying to cast an aura.

    -your chicken HP, or you did not use "town portal"

    -use another map =.=, don't farm hot areas lol

    -it was, what you do is turn down graphics and it should fix.


    Good luck.

  4. For those who use one shared folder for the Bot it's great, but can you add a registry key so it know which profile was used last on the machine. Not a used last where it will get overwritten by other bots sharing the same folder. Also ty for getting rid of the log file, saves some CPU cycles.


    ; Last used profile (this will be loaded at startup)
    should be a registry key so it knows which one on the host, that way I can be even more lazy.

  5. dnil.png





    man this sucks, I really enjoyed the game, is there any hope in getting my account back? I already emailed the support team regarding this matter. I'vbe used the bot for 4 days straight on two accounts, and I was ip banned. Sigh... sad day


     4 days straight

    two accounts

    was ip banned


    24 / 7 for 4 days must not be human

    two accounts assumed on same ip. you should be glad they didn't ban within an hour.

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