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Everything posted by aeiz

  1. aeiz

    Died but no death notification?

    yea there's a few paid vpn's on the internet and some free ones, both is risky in a way since you have no idea who has used them before.
  2. aeiz

    Died but no death notification?

    yea unfortunately the delay counts as a chicken and not a death so it gets a bit strange sometimes, if you run hc and all which i do too, it is highly recommended to run a second chicken script on the side.
  3. aeiz

    No orbs in default.ipd?...

    no problem with that, bot by default leaves the low currency alone, which is why those are included in default pickit for all other currencies the bot will pick them up, if your not getting any it's only because they weren't supposed to be common drops to begin with, some are lucky and get tons some get hardly any that's just how it goes. however you might notice if you don't get allot of high end currencies you might actually be getting a lot of low end currencies.
  4. feel free to opt for a secondary option like selling ingame currency for EB gift vouchers. https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/1987-the-merchant-scrolls-orbs-shop/
  5. yea the discounts were when it was in alpha, and elite+ status were available. technically speaking it wasn't called a discount, it was generally called donating expecting nothing back since in early stages we were literally donating to the concept of a bot, even without the actual bot being readily available to us. for additional information feel free to visit this link: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/2020-difference-between-elite-and-lifetime/
  6. aeiz

    VMWare flickering?

    i think it was mentioned in either walts or pro's guide, it's a problem with all vmware versions above 7.
  7. aeiz

    Selling problem

  8. aeiz

    how to solve VM blackscreen?

    Nice to know
  9. aeiz

    Currencies - How to Stash Organized!

    actually in that case it's probably a better choice to convert the orbs instead or cash out.
  10. aeiz

    how to solve VM blackscreen?

    just downgrade vm version to 7, anything over 7 will give you black screen it's kind of a bug with the vm version and game client. this is also the case with flickering screens.
  11. aeiz


    CanadianGamer try not to double post next time, going to delete the extra thread.
  12. Ah ye vmware any versions after 7 is buggy with either the game client or the bot
  13. aeiz


    for now u can share it between anyone but one key is only able to run one bot, at any given time.
  14. Binery could you give us a S/S cos we really need to know to figure out what's wrong, also give us the resolution u are using with the vm.
  15. aeiz

    刷派蒂 Farm Piety

    boss farming hasn't been fixed yet, so if your problem is related to that, please be patient.
  16. aeiz

    Just because....

    don't you think selling orbs to ppl like me would get you better earnings?
  17. yea a good idea, but atleast it works so i'm happy with that, although i'd rather be able to either open by rarity or by mods instead of box type.
  18. xp (unless that no longer works, cos it used to work, but the next best thing will be win7 lite)
  19. aeiz

    0.21 bug reprot

    Bot still gets buggy in act 2 sometimes ends up on the stairs and stays there
  20. although if you really want to get around the problem permanently you can always sell me orbs for EB Gift vouchers.
  21. aeiz

    Lifetime Subscription Problem

    well yea you can contact alk with payment details and see if he will be willing to transfer the purchase for you. However this is only possible if you still have access to your paypal acct in which you paid for it, and obtain the transaction ID, and some how a proof showing that it's owned by the same person. Although alk might even be able to locate the acct name associated to the lifetime key, since all keys are unique to each acct.
  22. nobody can help you right now, cos the only feasibly working version is currently the RC 0.21, which is currently only accessible to those who have paid for the bot. D2JSP: http://forums.d2jsp.org/user.php?i=1001000
  23. aeiz


    yea welcome
  24. aeiz

    Can admin update Ambush and invasion League area

    alk might have been better if you also cleaned out the threads?
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