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Posts posted by zircon

  1. well we better don't post vpn sites, cause GGG can make an ip list and ban all ips in it. (i've seen this before in another game where they bot much :P)

    And yes with free vpn's u have much bad hosts and sometimes u got a chance another one is botting on that ip, wich can ban both of you.

    So it's better u googled it and find ur vpn u want :)


    Greetings zircon

  2. I don't know if it is a repost but i saw different times the bot bugged between 2 targets he want to do at the same time. Like in the docks he is running at the corner of the stairs downstairs and back upstairs (mostly he does this if he have a mob downstairs and an item/chest upstairs. (After X sec he use a tp scroll to go back to the town and do a new run)

    I've got the same at the city of sarn at the stairs and sometimes at one of the buildings.

    Also the bot get stuck at buildings: he is attacking a mob but don't do any damage on it. (i have it with spec throw char) this can be a desync problem i'm not sure.





  3. For the first question:

    -The skill u want to use the most u give the highest priority, u can choose if he use it for specials or normals only or for both of them.

    - Skills u want to use often, u can program them with a cooldown delay or add an amount of monsters+ range.

    -If u don't want to use a skill u can just simply disable him by adding a huge amount of monsters: like only attack if there are 100 mobs in 100 range as example.

    Question 2:

    U need to find a decent VM (virtual machine) so u can let ur bot run in that. If ur bot is running in a VM u can do other things on ur computer while VM is minimized.

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