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Everything posted by Walt

  1. If you're having the aura loop on/off bug try adding a cooldown to the auras. Something like 90,000 ms.
  2. Walt

    Aura problems.

  3. Walt


    thanks for joining us! be sure to check out the guides section
  4. Walt

    Aura problems.

    Okay, try adding a cooldown. 90000 ms.
  5. Walt

    Aura problems.

    You using v0.14g and running as admin?
  6. Walt

    Bot for Hearthstone?

    based on that, two hours of work would amount to $11-12 if working minimum wage in the US. that's not really enough. I am against paying to win, fully for botting to win
  7. Walt

    VMWare freezes after a few seconds of botting.

    Leeroy, try using the OS i provided in my VM thread instead. It could be an issue with the OS that masterpulllha suggested. A few people that use his guide have had come to this problem with me before. i stated in the post -ns but for some reason typed -nosound for the pic demonstration, lol. fixed
  8. it's great to know the developers listen to your suggestions, isn't it?
  9. Walt

    Quick Fix to sell bug on clarissa in act 3

    Yeah, i forgot to mention that. Disable TP to town with scroll. I haven't had any issues with relogging method.
  10. Walt

    v0.14g bugged

    People don't realize when they install a new version of the bot, the configuration settings are set as default. This goes for your pickit, stashing setup, skills and other things. You need to either reconfigure your bot or overwrite the existing configuration with your old one.
  11. Walt

    hearthstone players

    i'd play with you chief if I was on eu
  12. Walt

    Auto PoE

    Thanks again blacksun. You help everyone bot longer.
  13. Walt

    Your best item found with bot ?

    4L Marohi Erqi
  14. anyone here play this? i just recently downloaded it and played as jaina proudmoore but half way through the game I got disconnected
  15. Walt

    Hello fellow botters

    welcome. head over to the exiled bot store to purchase your keys after you hit level 60
  16. if you have a legacy facebreaker please PM me. I am interested in it. (Legacy = 900% or more damage)
  17. Thanks for the information about the variable, if anyone else runs into this problem I'll be able to assist them better. I'll keep this in mind.
  18. So, a fresh version of v0.14f doesn't work on all three computers that you have? (you said you had three right?) I have had this issue when I did not have correct privilege rights set up. Right clicking -> Run as Admin fixed it for me. It really looks like an offset issue to me. Do you have any antivirus like comodo installed?
  19. Walt

    VM graphics smoothness

    "-gc 2 -swa -ns" are all great commands to add to your path to reduce the chance of freezing or crashing
  20. Walt

    Sell bug?

    Try botting from Lioneye's watch. You can bot from any town, just set your bot to that town then whenever he relogs he will be in that town.
  21. Run both the game and the botting client as an administrator.
  22. I don't know why I didn't think of this earlier.. have your bot set to forest encampment/lioneyes and just enter zones from there. don't bot from sarn encampment. all you have to do is make sure your in forest encampment/lioneyes before you start botting library or docks, etc..
  23. Walt

    Menu bug

    make sure it's v0.14f, you're running the game as administrator, you have windows 7+, not using steam version
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