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Everything posted by hatshacker

  1. +1 this bot is very profitable if you use it right. I also like the idea of an 'improved donor' status or something elite is most definitely worth it and wont be available forever so get it while you still can :3
  2. hatshacker

    Garena Path of Exile

    "This new server is a separate realm to the existing worldwide Path of Exile realm. " - fresh/growing market = $$ "-These users will not be IP restricted - they'll be able to continue playing Path of Exile on our servers just like they do right now." - fresh public ips I support the idea but I'm guessing it would still take a lot of work just like steam version and we still have more important priorities to take care of first, but it would still be great to support garena
  3. hatshacker

    I found out why It picks up white items!!

    I have that in my guide but its elite only
  4. hatshacker

    Do I have to become elite in order to use this?

    RC versions are currently elite only. latest working version is rc. i suggest not running a leaked version this bot/passcode from a third party website because the devs dont like people stealing the bot, the leak is only temporarily and they might not allow you elite status if youve been using a leaked version but you're welcome to donate, become elite and use the bot legitimately or wait for a public release.
  5. hatshacker

    How to start the bot??

    read my guide
  6. hatshacker

    Loot problem

    select Key Pickup in poes UI tab in game options
  7. hatshacker

    hi at all!

    wait for alkpone to come and promote you
  8. hatshacker

    Auto PoE

    Very nice! ill test it out and post any bugs i come across
  9. hatshacker

    Hey, I kinda messed up and need help...

    pm Alkpone with your transaction id and payment email, he'll upgrade you when he checks your payment
  10. hatshacker


    hey Very nice job on etal, was great use back in the day
  11. hatshacker

    Why are you botting?

    what league?
  12. hatshacker

    Waypoint coordinate issue since game launch

    area select delay in the configuration folder that the bot in located, under system change from 500 to 1500
  13. hatshacker

    Bot Suddenly Unfunctional

    devs are patching latest poe update, should be working soon
  14. hatshacker

    [Fixed]bot don't work after login screen

    game just had an update, offsets changed, gotta wait for devs to patch bot.
  15. hatshacker

    [Fixed]bot suddenly stopped working why?

    gotta wait for the devs to patch the offsets (ggg change them most updates to temporarily slow bots)
  16. hatshacker

    How many bots, what difficulty/act, are you running?

    nice! all running on same pc? seperate ips?
  17. Want to check if its worth it to run 1 or 2 high lvl end game farming accounts or mass low lvl suicide accounts, lmk what you're running I'm currently running 4 fresh hc chars farming a1 norm suicide botting with 1 secure mule acc. This is currently only bringing in a few chaos/regal/regrets/blessed a night, maybe an exalt every few days (but will be dramatically increased when pickit is implemented and I can hand out iiq/iir items among my army).
  18. Hc is usually 2x more profitable. I bot from lvl 1 hc, you'll be fine as long as you're not under geared. I Might write up a report or guide about botting PoE for RMT, just want to get some more evidence on their ban system
  19. hatshacker


    need a lag failsafe when using wps to make a new instance, running a couple vms through a vpn and sometimes they sit there opening and closing wp also a failsafe for the wp desync bug:
  20. hatshacker


    got Ip banned this morning. was running 5 vms on my main pc. suicide botting is just high risk botting until you get banned (24/7 no breaks etc) on disposable accounts. gotta change my ip and ill be back, hopefully they add in questing atleast the first act
  21. nice, could we have this implemented in the pickit if op/devs dont mind? (if its not already planned to be)
  22. hatshacker


    ive been suicide botting with 5 accs all in seperate VMs for 8 days now no bans does anyone know if they flag ips?
  23. hatshacker


    a log that displays everything the bot adds to inventory/stash with perhaps an item/stat description. and mob boss that have allies invulnerable detection, watched the bot attack an invincible minion for a few minutes doing nothing. not good in late-game hardcore \=
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