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Posts posted by nienett

  1. Found a weird EB Crash Reason.

    Some of this pickit Lines make the Bot crash if he found a Weapons with a special Item Mod.

     //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "140" && ( [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "15" || [attack_speed_+%] >= "15" ) && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "190" && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "140" && ([attack_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "12" || [local_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "12") && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "60" && [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "25" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "55" && [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "17" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "22" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "40" && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "55" && [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "17" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "22" && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "20" && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "20" && [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "10" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "10" && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "20" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # ([local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "65" && [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "27" || [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "65" && [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "27") && [local_attack_speed_+%] >= "8"  && [StashItem] == "true"
        //[Category] == "1Handed" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [local_minimum_added_physical_damage] >= "10" && [local_physical_damage_+%] >= "70" && ( [local_maximum_added_lightning_damage] >= "75" || [local_maximum_added_fire_damage] >= "37" || [local_maximum_added_cold_damage] >= "37" ) &&  [StashItem] == "true"

  2. Yeah but it works on the most maps.

    @Alk I tested the Version and it Works nice and its decrease the back and forth loop.

    Anyway some small buggs are still there on the realsed version too.

    1. Bot still attacks Lighting Warp Totems from the Obelisks Mod

    2. If the map in finished and the bot have a Map in the inv he will always make it magic/rare even if its a 66.

    3. Sometimes if the map is finished he dont rejoin the map to loot the Items.

    4. The Bot have problems with the Skelets Shrine he always attack the skelets instad of activate the shrine.

    Here some Ideas too make to Bot even better.

    1. Keep a Transmutation Orb in the inv too make white Boxes Blue

    2. Accept Tora/Vorici and Elreon Quests too get more Mobs.

    3. If the bot failed x times to loot a item he should use a mobility Skill.

  3. I will test it today.


    Another maybe easy to add improvement would be

    if the Bot always have too kill the Map Boss before starting a new Map.

    I have set 95% "Max explore %"  and 95% "Single Level exploration" and sometimes he leaves before he killed the Map Boss.

    If i would use 100% and 100% he would wasted too much time too explore the whole Map even with 95% the bot wasted too much time without killing Mobs.

    Here is a Link with all Map bosses


  4. I am using Beta version v0.29b

    Phylacteral mod &  Necrovigor mod works nice.

    Obelisk mod should just ignore the Totems.

    Guardian could be ignored too if you have a good Build. Or only ignore him if Vaal immoral call is up.


    My Bot is always clicking once to the right before some action(pathing, before selling, moving to hideout)

  5. If the bot have 21 free Slots after a run he will Reconnect and enter a new intance.

    If something drop the bot will Reconnect again unfortunately if he just joined the instance.

    Can you maybe change the stashing that the Bot will distinguish between inside and outside town.

    So we could set different "slots_remaining_number_fullinv" settings to avoid some useless Reconnects.

    Something like slots_remaining_number_fullinv_intown=40


    I am sry for my bad english and thanks for the great job :)

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