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Posts posted by Synapse7

  1. Indeed, there is no option for that to vote in the poll but it is between looting an item and exploring.


    between looting items and exploring , no monster around, no such option ???


    This is what the problem for me aswell. Sometimes its stuck around corner/stairs but really not the issue

  2. [–]rluo502[S] 3 points


    21 hours


    We actually can bot with other botters. Using Evolve to execute simultaneous codec packs allow us to achieve this.




    Honestly though, why the FUCK do people keep posting RMT/Botting topics on reddit. All they are doing is hurting them selves by introducing more people to it. GGG are going to have to crack down sooner or later or their game will become a shit storm

  3. I'm sure this kind of bug are part of the reason why nobody get banned using this bot :P


    More seriously, I'll see what could be done to avoid this issue.

    But keep in mind that handling every action of the game only by sending mouse and keystroke with 100% accuracy is very hard to achieve.


    Ofc ofc ^^ I don't think this is as much of an issue compared to the chicken past waypoint bug atm. I wish the bot would never chicken in town actually, instead it would just maybe "restart" the bot or something?

  4. It wasn't happening before 0.14e right ?


    Its been happening in Act 3 for a long time. Bot walks towards the WP, clicks waypoint then does 1 more click past WP (WP screen stays up) then trys to enter the zone but since its not close enough to the WP for it to actually work, it chickens


    I would be willing to say that this accounts for MORE than 50% of my chickens overall

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