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Posts posted by Synapse7

  1. The bot needs to stop hammering the login and use portal scrolls. If no scroll, run back to wp. The bot also needs to be configurable to "humanize" it's running, providing options for timed breaks, timed mini (piss) breaks, and run quests.

    Couldn't agree more.

  2. While using portal scrolls is a good idea you lose inventory space that way. Honestly it would be nice if there was a bot option to use the portal gem. That would be the only way I see to not waste a bunch of inventory space on portal scrolls.

    Granted portal gem is about 6 chaos, but you should be able to afford that rather quickly.

    Great idea. I also hope they add the feature to run 2 diff instances one after another, instead of just 1 everytime.

  3. I recommend getting OPEN vpn and using VPNUNlimited as a server. Google VPn UNlimited and the rest is self explanatory. YOu need to download both the client and the server config files, place them in the config fire up the GUI and putt in your the user name and password highlighted on the site.

    Can be a bit annoying depending which server you use (Long not going to both explaining list of headaches) However VPNunlimited seems to be stable and fairly noob friendly (Yes i am a relative noob on vpn too)

    Awesome thanks. Having one problem now though :P Confirmed that my IP was changed and my browser works perfectly fine but PoE will not launch. It just says "unable to connect to patching server" every time even though I'm still connected to the internet.

  4. ^ if you fear being banned outside of playing it smart theres plenty of tutorials on here about running your bot through a virtual machine(VM)....though because the bot is passive and doesnt inject DLLS outside of botting 24/7 in the same zone, people on your friends list seeing you log in and out and you giving out your character info the chances of being banned are quite slim

    Only reason why I'm asking is because I don't want to get IP banned. I currently run 2 bots in VMs and would never use my main account anyways. If one of these bots gets me IP banned, im screwed :lol:

  5. Ok, so im guessing I need the proxy on my host then? I have vmware up and running with 4 clients already just need to figure out the bot, etc. And sorry for all the questions here, still learning ^^ I will be donating for Elite once I get this all sorted out :)

  6. using a vpn/proxy is highly recommended. just to be save if banned on the bot account so ur main wont get banned.

    also some ppl got banned alrdy, but kinda unlikely atm. my only ban was on an unverified char just few hours after creating it. so just make a crap mail and verify ur bot account. or maybe i was just unlucky xD

    Alright, I figured as much. And yeah, the reason I want to get a vpn/proxy is to keep my main safe :)

    Any recommendations for free vpn/proxy service?

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