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Everything posted by cannibal

  1. cannibal

    A change in looting behaviour

    Makes me VERY happy!!
  2. cannibal

    0.18 Bug(s)

    Ouch, bet you didn't think of that one Alk
  3. cannibal

    Totem skill for RF builds.

    I don't totem, I RF - as I stated. SB just happens the be the most effective 3 link fire damage scaling skill (with MF build) that can efficiently kill totems. It can be easily implemented with a drop down selection in the target selection list (both, normal, special, TOTEM) and searched for the same way as the other options. The skill will be activated when a totem is in the defined range and priority. The same as any other detection+skills function.
  4. Hey guys, My suggestion is adding a skill trigger specifically to deal with totems when in range with added priority My RF (+MF) build gets stuck standing next to totems in maps until I manually drop my Searing Bond (as RF doesn't damage totems) to destroy them. Let alone if its a regen or vaal totem..! Thoughts? Thanks guys, keep up the great work - loving all the new features (CHANCING!)
  5. cannibal

    OMFG Hidden Exile Bot features!!

    To be fair the ClearType font isn't carried over to the 'hidden' features so clearly its a troll
  6. Interesting. I'll test this tonight Thanks for the effort
  7. What happens when the chicken fails (unique boss) and the toon dies? How are the auras being cast again? Trivial; but I'm curious... As my toon doesn't get through everytime..
  8. cannibal


    Using the single IP to logged into multiple clients/accounts at the same time? All those account will be banned during the next hammer-fall. Try running a VM... Much less risk and more efficient.
  9. You can't just start a new character, press 'start' and expect to get to 80.. (Yet; right Alk? ) The toon has to be able to sustain leveling in an area (preferably) within a level of -/+ 5, for run after run. This usually means having enough life/mana regen (through flasks, charges or items) and still be able to clear the zone of MOBs to gain XP and/or use IIR and/or IIQ. If you are interested in more tips let me know.
  10. cannibal

    Banhammer This Morning

    Try to be more discrete guys - that's the only issue. I haven't got a single ban on me as yet (touch a woody). I bet GGG are enjoying this thread
  11. cannibal


    Niiiiice, congrats
  12. cannibal

    What did u get from the bot

    Turns out I need to up my game... lol
  13. cannibal

    Attack/Avoid Unique Bosses

    Try adjusting for certain areas for now
  14. cannibal

    Pause timers when bot pause

    I knew something screwy was going on! Good spot
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