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Everything posted by PoEr

  1. PoEr

    Pathfinder unsticker tool

    I did not edit any pathfinding settings, just using the default ones. Stuck problems persist in 0.8g, stuck at waypoint in Dark Forest seven times in a row. I have used this tool successfully to fix my pathfinding myself, and I released it to help any odd person who still may have troubles with the default pathfinding settings.
  2. PoEr

    Pathfinder unsticker tool

    Are you having troubles finding your path? Me too. Tried doing Dark Forest several times but what the bot does is casts auras, and then gets stuck in a corner, staring at the forest beyond the trees. So I wrote my own temporary solution, and sharing with all of you here. What this script does: If there is no mouse movement, run in exactly the opposite direction for a short time. In most situations this will be able to bring the bot out of the stuck location, and pathfinding can resume again. If your bot walks slow, you can increase the distance to increase your chances of getting unstuck. Just run make a new autohotkey script and paste this into it: #singleinstance force #Persistent WinActivate, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass Count = 0 loop { MouseGetPos, X1, Y1 sleep, 1000 MouseGetPos, X2, Y2 sleep 1000 If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2) { MouseGetPos, X1, Y1 sleep, 1000 MouseGetPos, X2, Y2 sleep 1000 If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2) { MouseGetPos, X1, Y1 sleep, 1000 MouseGetPos, X2, Y2 sleep 1000 If (X1 = X2) and (Y1 = Y2) { ; Define X coordinate exactly opposite to center of screen. Bound value to minimum 50 and maximum 750 pixels to avoid clicking window boundary. X3 := 800 - X1 If X3 > 750 X3 := 750 Else Sleep 1 If X3 < 50 X3 := 50 Else Sleep 1 ; Define Y coordinate exactly opposite to center of screen. Bound value to minimum 50 and maximum 500 pixels to avoid clicking the boundary, or the potions, skill buttons etc at the bottom of screen. Y3 := 600 - Y1 If Y3 > 500 Y3 := 500 Else Sleep 1 If Y3 < 50 Y3 := 50 Else Sleep 1 IFwinExist, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass { WinActivate, Path of Exile ahk_class Direct3DWindowClass Send {F12} Sleep 250 Send {Enter} Send `/oos Sleep 250 Send {Enter} Sleep 250 click down, %X3%, %Y3% Sleep 750 Click up Send {F12} count := count+1 TrayTip, Path of Exile bot Unsticker, Attempted to unstick your bot %count% times, 5, 1 } Else { MsgBox, Please start Path of Exile! } } } } } You must have Autohotkey for this script to work. You can download Autohotkey free from http://l.autohotkey.net/AutoHotkey_L_Install.exe Let me know if it works for you. And let me know if you're still getting stuck. A simple screenshot would give me all the information to improve this. Credits to Thuvia because I used his/her old script as a base to write this one.
  3. Script updated. Download link in first post. Changes: 1) The script is now very aggressive in trying to level your gems. In most cases, it will level up your gems within one second of "dinging". 2) On some display settings, specially virtual machines, the script was unable to match the levelup button. I have fixed it by loosening the matching criteria, and I have tested it on Windows and Linux (wine) as well as VMware virtual machine. 3) Tray icon added 4) Logfile disabled by default. You can enable it in the ahk file anyway if you wish, but I thought it was not really needed, nor helpful.
  4. Since there is nothing exciting happening on these forums these days, our folks are getting bored, and restless. Therefore I release this interesting tool for you. This tool basically takes your iron rings and crap gems, and converts them into 30% resistance rings. At this time, this conversion is semi-automatic, you still have to manually hover over each gem and press a key. I'll try to make it more sophisticated later. To be on the safer side, use this on a naked character with no valuable items that could be lost. How to use: 1) Path of Exile must be in 800x600 window mode. 2) Empty everything from your inventory first, and only keep iron rings and crap gems there. 3) Click a town vendor NPC, and click sell. 4) in the sell screen, place an iron ring on the first slot. 5) Make a new blank autohotkey script on your desktop by right clicking, click "new" and then choose "autohotkey script". Paste this into that script: End:: Clipboard = MouseGetPos, x1, y1 Send ^{click} Sleep 150 MouseMove 65, 150 Sleep 700 Send ^c Sleep 150 Loop, parse, clipboard If Clipboard contains 30 { ;Msgbox, 30`% ring found`! Click 80, 480 Sleep 200 MouseMove 410, 180 return } Else { Click 60, 355 Sleep 250 MouseMove %x1%, %y1% return } 6) Now hover your mouse over any of the gems, and press the End key on the keyboard. It's near the home, PgUp, PgDown keys etc.7) The script will place that gem in the vendor screen and check if it makes a 30% ring. If it doesn't, it'll take the gem back to your inventory. 8) If the last gem didn't make it to 30%, hover over the next gem and press End. Keep repeating until you get all your iron rings converted to 30% resistance rings. The converted rings have same level as iron rings, so make sure you use high level iron rings to begin with. Gems do not have an item level, so it doesn't matter where you found the gem. Green gems give lightning resistance rings, red gems give fire resistance rings, and blue gems give cold resistance. There is no vendor recipe to make chaos resistance rings at this time. It's complicated, but crafters do this. That is how we get lovely rings in the world of Wraeclast! Awaiting feedback.
  5. PoEr

    What did u get from the bot

    Two exalts, and tons of currency I don't want.
  6. Script updated. Changes: 1) Fixed a time-counter error. 2) Cleaned up the logging function to some extent. Known issue: If the script is unable to click the level up button due to the bot taking control of the mouse pointer, it'll keep trying every second until it is able to finally click the button. This will result in multiple entries in the log. I'll fix it later.
  7. exactly But with pausing having its own issues, are you sure it'll work well? There are times when the bot refuses to pause, and then I need to do Alt+F4 as the last resort!
  8. Script updated. Changes: 1) Script pauses for one second before leveling each gem. This should not interfere with your gameplay at all, even while holding down mouse button. 2) Script will now create a logfile in its own directory, so you can see how many times and at what time the gems were leveled up.
  9. In theory it should, but does it actually happen with this script? During my testing it hasn't happened so far. In fact, I've set the script to check for a leveled gem every 50 milliseconds, and still there was no slowdown. However, due to differing computer configurations, I wonder if anybody actually has noticed a slowdown at all. If yes, I can try to tweak it further.Edit: On my PC (AMD Phenom X2) CPU usage by this script is shown in task manager as 00 (though I'm sure it's a tiny fraction
  10. Thanks!I also want to invite feedback regarding performance. If anybody has noticed system slowdown while this is running, please let me know.
  11. Tried this for the first time. Didn't work - bot clicks on an area in town, and then just stands there. That means that after you posted on page 17 that it's not working with v0.8, there are no more updates? Eagerly waiting for the next release then!
  12. I was asking what my script does to greyed out gems. I tested it out, and it ignores them This temporary fix is working very well!
  13. I don't have any gems that can't be leveled at this moment. Can anybody tell me what happens if you have gems that can't be leveled (greyed out) - what does this script do then? If it just ignores them, then it's great.
  14. PoEr

    PoE on VMware?

    I had several errors while running PoE on Vmware XP. I installed Windows 7 on Vmware and now it works very well. I think XP will cause you a lot of problems, just install 7.
  15. Until the devs fix it in the code, here is a temporary solution for it. This script levels your gems very aggressively while the bot is running. This script also works if you're playing manually (without botting) as long as you're in 800x600 window mode. Features: 1) Levels your gems automatically 2) Resurrects you if you die 3) Automatically accepts party and trade invites. Usage: 1) Download this zip file: http://www.mediafire.com/?j5y31vb3g1grrug It contains an Autohotkey script (.ahk) and two bitmap pictures (.bmp) 2) Extract zip. 3) Start Path of Exile game in 800x600 windows resolution. 4) Double click the script, and let it run in the background. It'll check the screen for a level up button and a resurrect button, and click it if found. 5) Make sure you disable the gem autoleveling in bot settings, because now gem leveling will be handled by this script. 6) You can enable a logfile inside the script by uncommenting a line if you wish. Any errors, let me know. Always trying to help!
  16. PoEr

    Question about skill priority

    I still need to do more testing with this, because my results have been inconsistent. Either priority doesn't work as advertised, or my setup is wrong - I don't know which one is the case. I think a developer will be able to answer this question better. The reason I need to know this is, a real player uses several skills in order to clear an area efficiently. Although a bot can very well slam through an area by just using one skill, I want it to use a mix of several skills, because that is what a real player would do.
  17. PoEr

    Follow bot

    Just noticed this: If you party the bot with somebody who has a summoned monster, then the bot thinks that the summoned monster is killable, and tries to just hang around it. That way the bot is able to follow wherever you go One potential use for this trick is that while you kill stuff, the bot will keep picking stuff after you lol.
  18. PoEr


    Edited first post to incorporate all ideas. Of course these are my ideas, and the developers are free to choose what to implement and what to ignore
  19. PoEr

    Which Areas are you botting

    After pathfinding has been implemented, I tried the Ledge. Unfortunately it starts with the waypoint in the middle, and then goes towards one way, and then has to come back all the way slowly, leading to high inefficiency. Is it possible for the bot to create new instance from Rocky entrance? So far doing Mud Flats with dirt cheap self-found gear and it works very very well.
  20. Consider this hypothetical scenario: I set the bot to use three skills with exactly the same min/max distance settings, but set the priority different. Skill A has priority 0, skill B has priority 1, and skill C has priority 2. Then which one of these skills does the bot execute once it has found a monster within the specified min/max distance? Part 2 of this question: Under what situation will the bot use a skill with lower priority? If it can't reach the monster, skill unavailable due to not enough mana, or something else?
  21. PoEr


    17) If the player is attacking, is moving position, but the hitpoints of monster are not going down, that means we could be desynched. In that case, bot should try issuing an /oos command in an attempt to resync it.
  22. PoEr


    12) Sometimes the bot clicks a story item (e.g. a wall graffitti or one of those large Karui heads). This keeps it occupied for several seconds. Can we have a "story detection" and click "continue" button in the story if detected? This actually happened with me today. 13) Sometimes the bot enters another area by mistake (I think it's the new pathfinder) by the doorway at the entrance or exit of an area. If that happens, the bot should detect it, and we should be able to set an option either to continue in the "wrong" area, or exit and start a new game to restart the bot in the correct area. 14) When the bot encounters a rare monster with "Allies cannot die" mod, that monster should become the number one target, overriding everything else until the monster dies. 15) If the life is critically low, the bot should try using that "instant" recovery flask I specifically put there. If an instant recovery flask is not available or it's emptied out, then the bot should chicken. Basically this adds another layer of protection before chickening out, buying some more time to kill that tough monster. 16) Monsters with energy shield - there should be an option to use chaos-based damage on it. E.g. when encounter monster with energy shield, specifically use poison arrow instead of lightning arrow.
  23. I download and installed this because it had great reviews. I set it up. First, it kept giving me an error that I want to bot in the town - I clearly set it as "The Forest" but still the EBG kept saying I want to bot in town. After tweaking a lot of settings, it finally let me start the bot. When the bot starts, it makes just one click in the town totally away from the waypoint, and then just stands there. I'm still not sure where did I make the error? And yes, this GUI surely needs some more documentation. If I can get it working, I'll write a guide for it.
  24. PoEr

    VMWare tips

    I tried Player multiple times (used notepad to create my own vmx file which never worked despite trying many times in different ways). I think it is the best just to use workstation to make a new virtual machine, that worked like a charm. But once I have made a virtual machine using workstation, I'm sure it can work with the player (once workstation trial expires).
  25. PoEr

    VMWare tips

    I finally am able to have exiled bot running under Vmware. Here is what I learned so far: 1) You must use Vmware workstation to build a new virtual machine. Older machines may not work, and vmx files created "by hand" may not work. 2) The brightness is too much - but there is an easy fix for it. Just press F1 while the bot is running. You will see the nagging stat graphs in the game, but it'll take away the flicker and gamma. You can now pack your sunglasses and put them in the closet. 3) I was able to get it running without activating direct 3d in the vmx file. 4) Vmware guest OS should be at 1024x768 - that has worked the best for me so far. 5) If you're using Thuvia's autohotkey script to keep the bot from getting stuck, sometimes the click is outside the PoE window, resulting in desktop files being clicked. To minimize this, keep the PoE window on top right (if you're running top right ahk from Thuvia) or top left (if you're running top left ahk from Thuvia). This will become redundant when pathfinding is released though. 6) In a virtual machine, you must decrease the graphics settings manually by editing the configuration file. I set "Texture quality" to 3 and the FPS went up from 40 to 100. (Details here: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/177500)
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