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About hewla

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  1. hewla

    Save VM botting

    How did you share? Create a folder as a drive/share on your VM via the player options or did you create a network share on your host? I did the latter and I can read stuff with 60-70 MB/s from host to VM. Imo thats ok. My HDD and my LAN normally can do about 100MB/s. The difference might lie in virtualization/translation. After a couple of runs all the stuff is in the Ram and HDD read speed isnt important anymore. Since we (should) use bridged network it might actually transfer via LAN. Do you have GBit connection? Did you store your virtual disc as single or multiple files? The performance is ok imo - its just a security question for me. Thats why I wanted to know if they can determine if several accounts (legit+bots) are online on the same client.
  2. hewla

    Save VM botting

    I have two Win7 x64 VMs (4GB Ram, 2 Cores) running and I am still able to play PoE on my native OS without any felt fps impact (i5 3500k, 16GB Ram, HD 7870). I have tried to run the VMs with 1 Core but loading times get pretty long and the clients tend to crash during loading screens.If you didnt do it yet, set the PoE Texture Quality to 4 on your VM clients and use vsync. Maybe that helps. And yes, I have those graphics glitches too Does anyone know if it is save to create a network share of your PoE dir on your host OS and use this client on your VMs too? Is there something like a unique ID to a client installation?
  3. I think I found out why "Alt to loot" doesnt work with your GUI. Your tool writes bools in the config like this: use_alt_to_loot =true; instead of use_alt_to_loot = true ; The problem might be with the way the ExileBot parses its config. It seems to work with all the other bools (like autostart) but not with alt_to_loot. I think you need to add that whitespace between the value and the semicolon. I'm still using your GUI (mainly because of that Movement-Timer) but with a write protected config.ini. Alt-Looting works fine that way.
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