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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Krzr23

  1. This would also be very nice to know! If I have some extra gear around I will try it
  2. Hey! just wondering what builds you guys are running in the current patch ? and do you guys prefer kill speed or IIQ/IIR ? I'm using a Blender build but reave instead. It's okay, but not fast enough in killing. Do summoners work ? Let me know what you guys are running might make a new character
  3. Krzr23


    Weird! also had a good run last night BoR,2Ex & 67% andvarious! bringer is perfect for my cyclone build
  4. Krzr23

    What did u get from the bot

    Are you using VMware ? and what build do you use ? norm ? merc?
  5. Hey guys! just seeing what you guys are running - I'm running a glacial / leap slammer. Tried a sporker but didn't work out! How about you guys ?
  6. Krzr23

    How are you guys running 10+ Hours? - Help!

    Yeah, going to try to leave this at default. What build do you guys use ? Tried to a Sporker but doesn't run properly
  7. Krzr23

    How are you guys running 10+ Hours? - Help!

    yeah I do, just wasn't sure the bot was capable of this. Ran over night or tried to. Bot failed because client.exe failed and the bot couldn't close it. Ah well 3 levels
  8. Krzr23

    How are you guys running 10+ Hours? - Help!

    no shit... so basically if it can't find any monsters or ran out of time it will relog, then go to the portal and go back to the same farming area ? what do you guys usually run for run max time then?
  9. Running with all the scripts and taking my time setting it up per class but still having trouble getting it to run 1 run let alone hour on end.. It doesn't even go back to town after the run is done.. any help from you experienced guys would be great!
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