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Posts posted by jpbot

  1. my script says looking for town.... and thats it

    doesnt countdown everytime i go to town so its not stashing.

    can you post your log_eeb.txt files here.

    can you copy/paste this script in a file check.town.ahk or any name.

    Open poe.

    Run the script. Press F4 for check town (ESC close the script)

    Stay in town and go out of town.

    Check if detect town work. (you would see a message on trybar "In town", "In map" or "Checking...")

    SetBatchLines, -1
    DetectHiddenWindows, On
    ;get pixel color for active skill
    		PixelGetColor, color, 655, 582 		
    		TrayTip,, %color%, 2
    		Sleep 1000 
    ;verify pixel color for active skill
    	_activeSkillInTown := 0x565656 ;pixel color for active skill    for poe version 0.11.6b 
    	_activeSkillInMap := 0x487DA2 ;pixel color for active skill    for poe version 0.11.6b 
    	_activeSkillInMapInactive := 0x344757 ;pixel color for active skill    for poe version 0.11.6b
    	_inTown := 0
    	Loop ;active skill
    		if inMap()
    			TrayTip,, In Map, 2
    			if inTown()
    				TrayTip,, In Town, 2
    				TrayTip,, Checking..., 2
    		sleep 1000
    	; --check if we are in any map !!!
    		IfWinExist, Path of Exile 
    		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMap%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
    		if !ErrorLevel 
    			return true
    		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInMapInactive%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
    		if !ErrorLevel 
    			return true
    		return false
    	; --check if we are in town !!!
    		PixelSearch, Px, Py, 655, 582, 655, 582, %_activeSkillInTown%, 0, Fast  ;check for active skill
    		if !ErrorLevel 
    			return true
    			return false
    	msgbox script closed by user

  2. Once again I apologize. And you could not make the script only on the folding stuff in the trunk? Or tell me what to do in your script so that he went through the menu. and not just to kill that process.

    Such as where to put this code on the way out?

    Send, {ESC}
    MouseClick, left, 404, 292

    Just when a process is killed, the player for a few seconds in the game, that hardcore among dogs can end in a crossing on the standart

    Just add that code to function named "quit()"

    but for me, your code should be something like this

    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%   ; <-- check if poe window exist
    		if inMap()    ; <-- check if we are in a map
    			Send {Space}   ; <-- send spacebar, spacebar close any menu opened)
    			Sleep 200			
    			Send  {ESC}  
    			Sleep 200			
    			Click Left, 404, 292
    			Sleep 1500			

    and the modified function should look something like this:

    	FileAppend, %A_DD%/%A_MM%/%A_YYYY% %A_Hour%:%A_Min%:%A_Sec% Quit Botting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! `n, log_eeb.txt
    	TrayTip, , Quit Botting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! , 2
    	;~ writeLog("Quit Botting !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")	
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%   ; <-- check if poe window exist
    		if inMap()    ; <-- check if we are in a map
    			Send {Space}   ; <-- send spacebar, spacebar close any menu opened)
    			Sleep 200			
    			Send  {ESC}  
    			Sleep 200			
    			Click Left, 404, 292
    			Sleep 1500			
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %EB_PID%
    		WinClose, , ,2 ; use the window found above
    		Sleep 1000
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %EB_PID%
    		WinKill, ahk_pid %EB_PID%, ,2
    		Sleep 1000
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %EB_PID%
    		Process, Close, %EB_PID%
    		Sleep 1000
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%
    		WinClose, , ,2 ; use the window found above
    		Sleep 1000
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%
    		WinKill, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%, ,2
    		Sleep 1000
    	IfWinExist, ahk_pid %PoE_PID%
    		Process, Close, %PoE_PID%
    		Sleep 1000

  3. why your script, the bot begins to clean the area, and then out of the game? and then starts up again? how to adjust to it pressed portal scroll?

    Sory for English

    1.- yes (Exiledbot function)

    2.- yes (Exiledbot function)

    3.- you can not. Since exiledbot version 0.7e (Bot is no more reseting bot timer when in town), I remove that funcionality of my script because if there is no reseting in town you will have premature exit in next game.


  4. Bot is no more reseting bot timer when in town.

    Can be this option optional?


    After xxx time my script pause the bot (in map)

    go to town (stash, level gems)

    then unpause the bot (in town)

    the bot make new game but after few seconds the bot leave the game

    in previous versions this does not happen

    I think is because the run_max_time and the new Improvements(Bot is no more reseting bot timer when in town.) in version 7e

  5. 3 bots(76,77,78) here, all leap slam, all running sarn city

    Non running at same time :|

    I switch every 2-3 days, bot 16 hrs @ day

    My gear is not great, just cheap gear (2-4 chaos each piece) my bot run just fine ^^

    I recently switched to iiq/iir gear, just for test: 2 andavarius (foud by the bot :P), goldwyrm, perandus and 5l kaoms primacy, the rest are the same cheap gear.


    res: 23,-65,22,-42

    def: 2.2k

    hp: 2.4k

    dmg: 2k .73 aps

    auras: grace (rm/bm gems), determination (rm gem), hatred, (rm gem), purity/haste (rm gem) I run 2-4 auras at time

  6. so what does it actually do... i cant see it stash anything in the video.

    lol yeah, I chose a wrong video to show functionality

    basically the script open portal and go to town after xxx time.

    after x games, the script move to stash whatever he found, If nothing is found in the cells (you can config that in my script) then do not stash anything, like my video ;)

    sry I can not explain better -.-

    Hmmm, just having a look at the script. There's a lot of hardcoded paths inside which I think should be properly adjusted.

    For example you say PoE is in in (x86) which means you use a 64bit edition. However not everybody does so.

    Also the script and bot are on a d: partition. Not everyone uses different partitions.

    Or are those paths automagically updated to the current system where it's being run on and only the bot is required to be in a subfolder?

    Sry I think I was clear but apparently not :cry:

    In step four "4. Configure _eeb.ahk script and exilebot"

    you need to configure my script (between line 20 and 80) so the idea is that everyone can change that to their own paths, times, names, etc

    they dont updated automagically :P

    TODO: I could make a ini file to prevent misunderstanding, maybe in a future

  7. wait for stashing ;)

    until then just use chess or 2 line system to prevent getting spammed by shit items.

    with q gems only u should be able to run the bot quite long.

    I am using chess system but with high increased quantity / rarity uniques are more common.

    Agree that it's not a bad idea until we have stashing. :)

    yup ^^

    Even with stash working, they are a few scenarios where a max retries could be useful.

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