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Posts posted by d12

  1. 1. bot isnt lootin flasks. also not in work as i know.

    2. no chrom loot selling atm. also no too high priority to that as i know since identifying and selling rares gives alot more currency. but selling chrom loot will probably come in the future.

    3. not atm. but it is stashing the items if ur inventory is too full. only 1 tab atm.

    4. yes

    5. yes. hopefully coming soon ;)

    6. will come sooner or later.

    7. f12 is pause. bot should get a hotkey section which tells ppl the hotkeys available.

    8. as i know after the beta elite users are getting 3 keys so they can run up to 3 simultanous bots at a time. for new users the bot will have a time limited pricing plan. (but this just got mentioned by an admin. so im not sure if they might think about it again)

    9. was also running normal docks for a while lately and couldnt see any problems. u can modify the coordinates for waypoints manually in the config file if it doesnt fit for u. but first make sure ur poe client is running in 800x600 resolution.

    10. most ppl are running the bot in a vm. not sure about linux vms. its always somehow causing problems to games xD. basically the bot doesnt need to "see" anything to work. but it didnt seem to work if i was setting the frame rate down to 5 or less. since it took ages to open the wp window in the city for example. might be due to how the poe client works.

    11. hard to say what ggg is doing against bots. but with a mule u should be quite save. and be sure to have different ips than ur main.

    12. atm it seems like ggg is handleing ranged bans and multi botters quite good ;(. but with a paid vpn u should be able to select a seperate server per bot and vpn connection. should be save then. also since its a paid vpn it might be that it is somehow "trusted" and ggg wond range ban this vpn ips, since its possible that other manually playing players are in the same vpn network. as an example im using the vpn of my university and i guess they wont range ban this, since alot of ppl there playing poe at university manually.

    hope ur questions got answered. else just post again ;)

  2. 1. we are only talking about chickening when on low life/es atm.

    so its not 1k times per hour. the normal way to leave a zone is alrdy working with portal scrolls.

    also the time isnt the same. when logging out ur disconnecting from the server. if ur portaling its the same as using a portal to the next zone. until the loading screen appears monsters can still hit u. it takes longer.

  3. partying:

    takes time and alot of thoughts. so better get ur bots working without it for now.


    using portal scroll and chicken that way takes too long. ull mostly be dead before u portaled out. also no clue why u want it to use portal for chickening. there is no reason for it.

  4. hey,

    recently i got stuck within 2 buildings at the city of sarn. the bot constantly tried to atk a ranged mob which was shooting at me.

    but due to the 2 buildings my char couldnt reach the monster. normally the no kill timer should kick in and leave the area. but it didnt happen...

    hopefully this gets fixed soon.

    this happened in version 0.11b rc2

    here is my log:

    lastrun: seems like its actually getting it, but not working properly

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Restart state because no monster were killed for 60 s

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [info] -> Moving to position(7244.777344, 12722.821289). State Priority: 9


    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Player(320, 1171) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (319, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170) took: 0 ms, cost: 36.000000

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Player(320, 1171) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (319, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170) took: 0 ms, cost: 36.000000

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Set explored nodes took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Raycast took 0 ms, wall found.

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Player(320, 1171) is unwalkable, finding closest walkable position...

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Found new player position: (319, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> Computing A* path from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170)

    2013-10-20 14:02:36 [pathfinding] -> A* from P(319, 1170)->Pos(333, 1170) took: 0 ms, cost: 36.000000


    2013-10-20 14:07:01 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:02 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:02 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:03 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:03 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:04 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:04 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:05 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:05 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:06 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:06 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:07 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 16 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:07 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:08 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:08 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 16 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:09 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:09 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:10 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:11 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 0 ms

    2013-10-20 14:07:11 [timer] -> Game informations update took: 15 ms

  5. Portal gem is very slow to cast + if a creature hits you even more slow. I would actually like to disable scroll of wisdom and stick with the scrolls.


    think in some other thread i suggested some max value when looting scrolls. so just looting up to this value and stop afterwards. thats basically what normal players doing aswell.

  6. the gem lvling wasnt improved since a long time. so probably it did the same thing in previous versions.

    due to other circumstances u might have had the feeling, that its working better.

    but anyways:

    its not reversed yet and is just doing a fixed order of actions to lvl gems which is working more or less.

    hopefully it gets reworked soon to work properly.

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