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Everything posted by d12

  1. d12

    Lifestyles of bots & mules

    just a question: if i run the bot, the mule and the main in a vpn network. same vpn account, but different connections from different vms. ggg is able to find out im running the accounts through the same vpn account? or they only can see that the 3 accounts are in the same vpn network?
  2. just think again and then pls find out why ur request sux.
  3. d12

    Why are you botting?

    this + i hate farming.selling ingame botted cash for rl money just sux cause ur helping to destroy the game. also it doesnt seem like u did get the goal of the game. more dps isnt the main goal of a game...
  4. d12

    a little help for noob botter

    actually i never used that feature, but as i know the "special" mob declaration contains rare mobs. so set ur right click skill to "normal" and ur left click on "special". also maybe set ur left click skill to some key and use move only on left click.
  5. web languages suck ;P (i know thats not constructive, but just came into my brilliant mind xD)
  6. d12

    Combat Windows too big

    alk is a secret guy ;P but ull love the new gui thats for sure.
  7. d12

    Stuck on Login screen after a few hours

    love u. cause ur the proove that my raging with "post ur bot version" isnt useless xD
  8. d12

    Not working in 1.0? Try this!

    monitor resolution doesnt matter... it should be atleast big enough to show the poe client in 800x600 resolution though.
  9. d12

    Bot Suddenly Unfunctional

    "plx help, got no clue what im doing" sry for being a bit rude, but can u guys PLEASE ALWAYS include atleast ur bot version ur running when reporting a problem? also the life chat is mostly used by users. so if someone tells u its working and it isnt he was just wrong also nearly any update of the poe client makes the bot somehow unusable, or atleast partly unusable.
  10. desktop resolution actually makes no difference. ofc it has to be bigger than the 800x600 also when reporting a problem and u wanna get help tell us which bot version ur running (did run when the problem happened). otherwise we cant (and i also dont want to) help u. since most of the time ppl just use outdated bot versions and wondering why its not working.
  11. d12

    Anybody can help me?

    or u post ur problem here. since most time ppl just think they need an admin. as an example: the last person who asked for an admin in this forum wanted to know how to create a new poe account after getting banned...
  12. d12

    Use elite on 2 seperate computer/IPs?

    atm u can kinda do whatever u want also as i rem elite members will get 3 seperated keys if the bot gets a paid version at release. so actually ull still be able then to use 3 bots running at the same time.
  13. d12

    new member here with a question

    the d3 bot is private only as i rem.
  14. actually it is 4% per endurance charge. but yes with trigger gems its rly easy to bot xd.
  15. d12

    The Prison

    probably happens in cave areas. like prison/maybe chamber of sins/... happens if ur attack_distance in the systems ini file is higher than the distance between the monstera dn ur character and a wall is in between those two.
  16. d12

    A collection of Bugs

    true. didnt say its good that it happens less ;P just wanted to mention it. with the released 0.11c it still happens.
  17. d12

    Stashing Specific Items

    1. got mentioned alot of times alrdy. so pls read atleast a few thread headers before doing double posts. 2. not stashing portal scrolls is on its way i think.
  18. d12

    Bot won't pass the Character Selection Screen

    @alk win xp vm doesnt support the 3d graphics i think. @pcheckan pls ALWAYS post ur bot version ur running into problems with.
  19. @lemmingx cause if ur lvling it up ur dealing more dmg with ur linked atk spells, but it also takes more dmg taken to cast. @username they dont use mana. also no cast animations are playing or stopping the player from other actions.
  20. d12

    Banhammer This Morning

    should be fixed in released version 0.11c
  21. d12

    Is Exile bot not free anymore?

    its still free. will become paid if there is a release version. no clue when this is happening xD elite users will get lifetime passes for the bot i think.
  22. d12

    When will the version available to everyone?

    +1and the long break between release and new bot version comes from all those changes to the client. but as it seems the bot is finally up for everyone again.
  23. d12

    Smart Things to add to the bot

    the bot got a feature to use certain skills on "special" mobs. so shouldnt be too hard to add an atk priority. this also happened to me sometimes on this summoner exile.
  24. guys, just skip the bot setup and get a on dmg taken trigger gem. works quite good xD
  25. d12

    Waypoint coordinate issue since game launch

    i know im repeating myself... but since no one seems to listen... tell us, which version ur using. (and no, its not obvious ur using the current one. normally ppl just think they do.) also maybe add the info, which area ur trying to go. if there are too many instances open and the new button is only clickable by scrolling down the bot doesnt click it. also tell us whats happening after skipping the "New" button. and pls dont say "nothing", since thats probably wrong.
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