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Everything posted by Crackjack

  1. Crackjack

    Slightly weird logfile..

    So i wanted to make sure the script did not crash(PoE Multiscript) so i also used the Exiled-Bots configuration for potions and chickens. However this caused the game to completely exit sometimes as both programs activated. I decided to remove the options for flasks, chickens and energy shield completely in Exiled-Bot and here are the results: How? I don't get it.. How can it chicken when chicken is turned off? Also ended up exiting game again! Why does it exit the game entirely? Is there any log to view some behavior like that? -.-
  2. Crackjack

    Recent Server Attack

    Ye, that's quite an extrodinary deal he got there.. Hope the problems are gone now though so we won't see more of either him nor the closure of forums!
  3. Crackjack

    My account got banned just today

    That is unless you run them all on different IPs - right?
  4. Crackjack

    ATTENTION. Problems with donation.

    Got this same issue, kinda had a panic moment earlier but now i feel more relaxed.. Hope they have it working soon again so i can read and use elite features again! Funny btw it still says Elite User on my forum name but my access is restricted from it..
  5. Will either shut down after a certain amount set by the user to prevent detection, and/or it could also shut down if the user experience heavy lag(i.e above 1000 ms) to prevent unfortunate deaths. Mainly people playing Hardcore is affected by this ofc.
  6. If you for some reason dc, let it be chicken, power cut, random dc or server shutdown, it's a good thing to have that the bot can relog and detect the character you set it to play so you can leave it 100% safely over night/when at work.
  7. This is something that most bots i've used over the years has. If your character falls under a certain % of your hp it will force the game to exit/logout to prevent death. I think in a game like this that'd be awesome to have. Also good if each person can decide what % to "chicken out" at depending on gear, zone etc.
  8. Crackjack

    Elite access and donation

    It would be nice if you made a thread explaining what exactly that is included in this access. I will donate, but would be nice to know what you get before you pay. Hope to see a lot of work from you guys in the future coming, i will hang around this project for sure!
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