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Everything posted by alkpone

  1. alkpone

    0.53 stashing

    Please find a way to reproduce and I'll fix it almost instantly ^^. I'll closely watch for this bug while running bot, thanks for your report.
  2. alkpone

    Forum Question: users with unclickable names

    By my side, I can click on their name without any problem.. https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/user/18106-paulham/ https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/user/6423-gamemaste789/ Maybe I can because I'm an admin, and users can't because paulham and gamemaste are banned ? ^^
  3. alkpone

    Bug caused by new function of 0.53 version

    Ok guys thanks for reporting. Any further help to reproduce these bugs are welcome.
  4. Bot version 0.53 has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.53 Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.52h : Offsets updated for Garena SEA version 2.0.4. Bot is now able to farm any single area from the game. Be careful, for the moment bot considers that you own every waypoint when trying to reach an area (except in Progression mode ofc). Bot now goes back to instance after tp back to town to sell items, while farming any area (not only bosses and maps). Hideout now only work with map farming. Changed PoE version selector to drop down list and moved the hideout setting under map setup. Bot now waits 5 to 20 seconds before resurrecting. Doesn't work with non-2.0.4 versions (ie Garena TW, TH, CIS). Use 0.52g instead.
  5. alkpone

    new cards

    They need to be added to default pickit or they aren't in the game yet ?
  6. Wrong version / offsets, most probably. Try with latest version.
  7. alkpone

    0.52h random crash after chicken

    Thanks for reporting. Try using the network disconnect and tell me if it happens too. I didn't have crash yet and I'm using this method only. I'll try to reproduce the bug and fix it asap. BTW next time it happens, can you post the 20 last lines of timer.log please.
  8. alkpone

    Trying to make my bot use Vaal Cyclone

    How I setup vaal skills : Medium/High cooldown, like 5000 or 10000. High priority, so as soon as cooldown is ready, bot will try to cast the spell. Correct range according to the skill (probably something like 10 or 15 in your case). Don't forget to setup skill to cast only on rare monster if you want. That's all. You probaly forgot about the cooldown part, so bot spams main skill while vaal skill is under cooldown. I could implement soul reading and cast only the skill while it has enough souls, but it's gonna take some time and I'm not sure that it would work better than with the settings I gave you in this post
  9. alkpone

    The bot often gets stucked by pick items or using tp

    This report doesn't really help. Can you give us more infos about conditions for the bug to occurs ? Or even better : a way to reproduce it.. ? Did you setup correctly the "use alt to pickup item" stuff ?
  10. alkpone

    "Rage" Mode (Realistic Imitation)

    Okay added a timer before clicking on resurrect button when death is detected, for next version. Thanks for the suggestions.
  11. alkpone


    Ros-bot is awesome. We took some inspiration from it a couple years ago, back when it was private. Devs are good friends, we all kinda owe them the back and forth fix, as main dev showed me how to use navigation mesh to compute distance between object instead of using Manhattan distance . About the configuration, of the EB I advise you to read the readme file and the compendium. Then the rest is quite straightforward, just be careful to not mess too much with default configuration or you will face some unexpected bugs. If you have any question, feel free to ask them on shoutbox.
  12. alkpone

    0.52H Map Goes to eternal lab instead of hideout.

    Just tested, indeed if you start from act 4 it will go to eternal laboratory, but if you start from a different act than act 4, it will work 100%. So for now don't start the bot from act 4 if you want to run map from hideout.
  13. Bot version 0.52h has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.52h Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.52g : Offsets updated for Game version version 2.0.4 (be careful won't work with any anterior version, if you are playing on Garena, use 0.52g). Offsets updated for Steam version 2.0.4. Maps are now handled with their tier instead of their level. In ipd files, key "MapLevel" has been replaced by key "MapTier".
  14. alkpone

    New Divination Cards Added in Patch 2.0.4

    Thanks a lot !
  15. alkpone

    0.52g Hideout Mapping not working correct.

    Hey dude, the only case hideout mapping won't work is if you start from act4. If starting from act3 doesn't solve it, try to reset to default setting and setup only hideout mapping & start from act3. Then tell us if it fixed it. This bug should be fixed in next version anyway.
  16. Bot version 0.52g has been released. You can download it here : http://www.exiled-bot.net/downloads/stat/download_counter.php?file=Exiled_Bot_Beta_v0.52g Don't forget to reconfigure everything from default files, copy paste of configuration files won't work!! Improvements since 0.52f : Fixed hideout + dried lake farming bug. Removed a lot useless unique from default pickit (in the case user wants to comment the line that takes all unique item). Fixed character selection bug. Fixed aura not casted bug in Crypt map.
  17. alkpone

    Gems not leveling

    Seems like it highly depends on user's hardware. Default value 80 seems to work for 90% of people tho.
  18. alkpone

    0.51e[bot go new instance when inventory full]

    This fix is gonna be part of bigger change like farming available for any existing area from the game. It can't be done quickly as the bot is still using some "old deprecated" code for non-map/boss area farming.
  19. alkpone

    0.52f CIS Bot stuck with cursor at monster

    If the mob isn't spawned and skill range is too high, bot will try to attack the statue. Bot has no way to determine if a monster is hidden or not yet.
  20. Did you disable the "Always highlight" option ? Does it happen when the item is outside of screen or just under cursor ? Btw it has nothing to see with bot not pressing Alt, or maybe metaxer knows something I'm ignoring.
  21. alkpone

    0.52f Crash (log file)

    Okay I'm gonna hunt for it. Just farming maps from H/O is enough or is there anything else I should know ?
  22. alkpone

    Combat skills and ignore mobs

    Yes, more combat skill and smarter flask system is planned. Btw the bot already detects and uses granite flask.
  23. alkpone

    0.52d Progression issue

    Indeed, last two weeks I focused on bot stability and bug fixes. I'll continue to work on progression asap, but I prefer to eliminate the bugs before A topic relating all the major bugs from progression would help me a lot tho.
  24. alkpone

    Gems not leveling

    Interesting.. Default shade variation should be adjusted ?
  25. alkpone

    0.52 Bot cant be idle

    Np, v0.52f should be even more stable.
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