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Everything posted by Schockk

  1. Schockk

    bug abyssal who can help

    the problem is that when the bot is runing over it accidentally he walks in a circle around the start. I will try it and turn it off and will look into it thank you for your answer
  2. Schockk

    bug abyssal who can help

    same for me. I programmed my bot that he log off after 120sec idle time and just log back in. He than make a new map
  3. IF you want to be as undetected make a third account what is only for traiding with your bot acc. An always use some items in the trade window so some rare item like gloves or something what you pick up. So you pay like your bot currency for the gloves from your traid account and now trade the same way with your main account. Autoleveling i didn't tried but i think it should work till act 4.
  4. Schockk


    So I could give you mine, but look inside of it, it is hardly modified. It is picking rares only for chaos recepie and almost sell all uniques wich are not sellable. Only thing i dind´t found was the divcard modification. Because i wanted to hide there some. Hard Modified.ipd
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