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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by TheBig

  1. Hello,

    I was watching the bot playing and noticed my character didn't pick up a unique cobalt jewel. It could be the Forbidden flame or flesh either one.

    I didn't stopped the bot because I want to know if it would pick it up or not.  It just past the jewel and opened a portal. I thought it would go back to the place but after selling items it opened a new map before I stopped it.

    I hope someone can share codes that  need to be added in pick it or  @Alk can add lines in master bot pickit.


  2. I am not sure how far you finished in terms of ready for map running.

    1. You have to activate your map device after talking Kirac.

    2. go to "Map" tab in bot GUI

    3. In map farming settings in the middle of the GUI, check ENable  map profile and Enable hideout both.

    4. Start bot

  3. Try remove your bot from your computer and download fresh bot and authenticate again.

    Make sure you have correct spelling for user name and the key. The upper case and lower case matter.

    The authentication should be resolved.

    The bot no longer support leveling through acts so you need to do it manually. Go to " Manage Purchases" tab in this forum to make sure you have the correct key.

    If you still want to get refund, you have to wait for Alk or someone respond to you. Or go to " Join Our Slack" by clicking " Slack Server" in top section of this forum.

  4. I know it is beta version so I'd like to report the problems so Alk can fix it.

    1. Character doesn't move to next area because I guess it doesn't click the next area entrance. For example it doesn't move from the Ledge to Climb in act 1.

    2. Gem is not leveled. It doesn't click the gems when they are ready to level.

    3. Character checks map in the town then stays in the town and don't move to WP to start .

    4. character goes to Stash and opens it and stuck there for good.

    5. Character is firing at area where there is no monsters until mana runs out and fires again when mana regenerate and loops

    6. character attacks frozen Essence statues and stays there. bot never attacked these frozen Essence thing and moved on  in the past but this new version is not ignoring those Essence statues.


  5. On 2/14/2021 at 1:14 AM, SeMgA said:


    Good afternoon, please tell me how to set up the bot to pass the game(game quest, run act), I can't find the settings for this, thanks

    Even some of act 1 -4 need manual guidance.  It can be stuck at Act 2 Bandit quests and Act 4 Koam or other quest. You need to monitor it.

  6. This is important matter in bot community.  It should be shared in public.

    Was your bot running in maps or just  in acts?

    Most important thing to remember is that by around this time there are not many players playing the game to begin with, so  GGG staffs can monitor more closely to every game.

    Most people was waiting for next league or next event Mayhem, endless delve which will start today I think.

  7. 8-9 hours are pretty safe.

    Even 12 hours can go without problem only on weekends.  There are many things GGG consider to detect bot users but accumulated hours are #1 detectable.

    Some players here got banned while even not running the bot because of accumulated hours; exception would be the first  1-2 weeks of new league start. That's the time you milk your bot heavily.


  8. You don't need special map script to run a map.

    After you finish all the acts and run epilogue part and get the map machine in your hide out, and buy some map from Kirac  and tick the map setting in bot GUI.

    It will run by itself.

    There are some adjustment on map setting depends on map tier and some people may have those script. But most of us the bot itself already have what we need.

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