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Everything posted by POEmaniac

  1. POEmaniac

    Want PoE Orbs? Then do the farming!

    If you’re new to Path of Exile, it’s very likely your leveling experience with a melee skill or a bow skill will be very unpleasant. This is due to how these skills scale – they primarily use the damage of your equipped weapon (with several exceptions). And accuracy rating is also a must. While getting a decent weapon isn’t hard, it quickly diminishes in power as you progress through the game. But this is by design, so new weapon bases with higher stats become available, requiring you to craft them to keep up with the content. And you also need to increase your accuracy rating. Otherwise, enemies will die slower, the difficulty will spike, and you may start dying a lot. Whereas spells, traps, and minions scale based on level, meaning these skills will get stronger with you. And they’ll never miss either. Some recommendations – Storm Brand, Frostbolt, Summon Raging Spirit, and Arc Traps(Arc + Trap Support). But any skill will feel horrible with a bad build. For example, trap skills aren’t that great without the “Clever Construction” passive skill. So don’t be afraid to look up existing builds! ref. https://mmoauctions.com/path-of-exile/orbs
  2. POEmaniac

    Albion Online bot

    I bought one from https://mmoauctions.com/albion-online so be sure to keep check, cause different things come around there!
  3. POEmaniac

    Albion Online bot

    I don't know about that guys, this topic refers to ablion online after all
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