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Everything posted by mightjustbuyit

  1. mightjustbuyit

    Can't get bot to work

    we Is this a money grab scam or something? i dont understand.
  2. mightjustbuyit

    Bot doesn't do anything.

    pretty sure the bot cannot walk. They dropped dx9 support, idk if that has to do with it or what.
  3. mightjustbuyit

    Can't get bot to work

    I just noticed priority 11 is my attack spell and 1 is walking I think the bot is unable to walk at all for some reason for the 3+ hours i've been testing, it never walked or moved anywhere once. What could cause this?
  4. ***NEVER GOT THE BOT TO WORK SO FAR!!!*** freshest version (78f i think?) Steam version of poe Steps I take to launch the bot First of all, I installed 2010, 2012, 2013, and the dx9, all both x64 and x86 read about 15 threads of "noob help" and "setup the bot in minutes!" (im 3 hours in, stiill not working =/ ) Repaired all the VCRedist restarted computer Close steam (autolaunch) Launch MSPAINT in ADMINISTRATOR Launch bot in administrator hook bot to mspaint Launch D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Path of Exile\PathOfExile_x64Steam.exe (also tried normal 32 bit, didnt work and read somewhere we need to use 64 so..) Wait for login screen Start bot Now, the bot logs in instantly, as soon as i press start. Waits about 6-10 seconds and logs in to char in slot 1 sits there, click around the middle lower part of the health bulb after a couple seconds Then proceeds to do nothing forever. This is what happens if i walk manually To the stash and open it
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