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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by imvarda

  1. imvarda

    Can't get bot to work

    Yeah pretty terrible support, guess they gave up on this game?
  2. I tried using the exact same settings I was using before (while it was running just fine, in the previous version) - the bot will just click somewhere on the screen, then click a few pixels down until it's halfway down the screen and then repeat over and over... (I don't copy the settings, I re-write them manually) Then I start with a fresh barebone settings and it runs for a little bit but halfway through the map it will do the same randomly getting stuck in places. Quality really deteriorated between this version and last.
  3. Any update to this coming soon? Any response would be appreciated. I literally just bought a lifetime subscription and then it stops working.
  4. Bot currently not working, was working fine with 7.8f before PoE exile update. Now just trying to walk to the top right of the screen until it can't anymore.
  5. Can confirm, progression doesn't work.
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