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Everything posted by zerger3

  1. zerger3

    Hello + Questions

    dont buy it... its software from 2013 updated in 2016, doesnt support any of the recent league mechanics and is just updated to work in maps. (doesnt even click sulphite) Lots of skill arent even implemented ... Totem builds dont work. Summoner builds have issues. cyclone doesnt work, only certain melee builds are supposed to work. bot doesnt avoid any spells or lava. bot has problems with doors. bot has problems when the map is split by a portal. bot doesnt complete the atlas by itself You have to level the bot by hand. Dont expect any help in the forum or on slack, i suggest u check out all forums and see for yourself. (sometimes spamposts arent deleted for days, currently there is one up for 12 hours) if u want to save time and let the bot farm xp for you, it is useless since the level progression is bugged (its so bad in act 3 it runs ping pongs at a spot IN TOWN so there is e a good chance you are reported) you spend hours lvling and completing the atlas and have a chance being banned... if u want to make currency buy a tradebot or invest time learning how to make currency with trading. it took me 2 weeks to get the bot running. now that i have more knowledge about the game i dont use the bot anymore.
  2. zerger3

    Lower graphics

    https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/mmo/path-of-exile/poe-bots-programs/543975-poesmoother-effects-remover.html can remove ALL spell effects also there are compressed textures
  3. zerger3

    Concerns before purchasing

    well i use the search function for all my issues and it only shows threads where people have the same issue and there is no fix for it. if u check your own forum you would see that 75% of the post from the last 12 month are ppl asking for help. its obvious that not even the mods have a look at the forum on a daily basis since spams take a few days before they get deleted
  4. zerger3

    Concerns before purchasing

    yes ggg does ip ban and i suggest dont buy the bot its bad ... all it can do is run some maps (and being shit at it) its a software from 2014 with an update from 2016 (but it DOES get updated every poe patch for the new memory addresses) i spend 2 weeks figuring out how to get the bot to work. there is zero support here or on slack if u want to have a couple of extra exalted learn how to craft for profit or flip stuff on trade if u want a bot that grinds bloodaqueduct for you and have the time setting it up and wonder why it never does what you want go ahead and buy it
  5. zerger3

    unable to auto map farming

    did u have a look at the default.ipd for mapping settings? maybe there is an error in the config file. check and replace your ini files maybe they are corrupted and see if there are syntax errors in the files
  6. hmm does your script use injected method?
  7. zerger3

    do not work my bot

    the bot is not working until it gets updated (i dont know what to do with new poe version)
  8. zerger3

    Do some peoples bots work?

    what kind of rumor is that? does it work? yes! does it work good? no! so dont buy it if u plan to
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