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Everything posted by B3L1AN
Wenn Du "Progression" an hast, bewege Deinen Char in das passende Gebiet und starte den Bot dort. Falls der Bot stets nach oben rechts klickt: Sicherstellen, dass Du DirectX 9 installiert und in PoE eingestellt hast.
Care to give a little more detail to your problem? Working fine here.
You got a perfectly clear answer to your question. No one on here can honestly tell you whether or not the bot is detected/detectable, that would have to be intel coming form GGG/Tencent. In case, as you claim, you are not new to botting, you would as well be aware of the fact that there is no - nor never was - a 100% ban rate, just like as automation programs have a 100% safe rate. Alas, no need to be rude at all at someone for giving you a straight answer to your question. Regards @Meningitis Thank you for your effort & time
Bot version 0.76 Not Working for me
AlissonVL replied to topic's B3L1AN in Exiled Bot Issues and Bug Report
Working fine on "normal" version. VM: Win 10 x64 3.5 GB RAM 2 GB v-GPU Dx9 PoE 3.4.1/Bot v0.76RC1 -
Unter "Main" gibt es die Option "enable progression". Funktioniert leider nicht ganz zuverlässig. Bisher wird bis zum Ende von Akt 4 unterstützt (danach steht er bei mir nur in der Gegend rum). Alternativ zum Leveln einfach einzelne Gebiete in den Akten farmen.
Jep, das passiert gerne mal. Leider oft eher zufällig, sonst könnte man die Map Base ignorieren. Ist in der Tat lästig, aber im Normalfall sollte man genügend Maps während der Mapruns finden, sodass ein "Leerlaufen" eigentlich selten ist.
Hi there, with the major changes as well as introduction of new game mechanics with PoE patch 3.4.0 (and it's 3 hotfixes so far), is there any ETA on when a) a version with working offsets (and the existing bot features) will be available? b) a version with implementation of the mine features will be around? Or will these mechanics be omitted for now and focus is being laid on act progression? Looking forward to your answer, thanks in advance. Kind regards, B3L1AN
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Zuverlässig ja, hier und da hat er mal Schluckauf, aber nichts wildes, korrigiert sich nach Ablauf der Idle-/Map-Frist (frei einstellbar) wieder von selbst. Sicherheit vor Bans wird Dir nie jemand im Bezug auf Bots garantieren. Goldene Regel: Botte nicht auf Accounts, die Du nicht verlieren möchtest.
As this seems to be a common problem, some users have decided to team up and create a new Slack server. Here's the post on that: Regards
Here's the Slack invite link: https://join.slack.com/t/poe-exiled/shared_invite/enQtNDE4MzM4OTc3MjcwLTQ5MjcwYTA1ZGJjYjVhZjBiNTFlOWEwNmQ1Yzc4ZDEyNDFjZWQzM2FlMjcxMmJkNzBlNGRhMmM1NmVlZTQwYmQ Here's the direct link once you've joined: https://poe-exiled.slack.com/
I'll get that set up asap.
Taken from the last post about the Slack server: Unfortunately, there seems to be little interest from the operators to re-enable that option. Which is why I think starting something of our own would be the best way around the threads complaining that there's no public Slack server. If at any point (I'd be happy to see that sooner than later) the operators/mods/admins which to take the server ownership, I'd be glad. At this point, there simply is nothing and threads go unreplied to.
The problem there would be that all posts regarding Slack have not been responded to by an actual Slack group member, at least those posted in the last 3 months. That's why I'd advocate for creating a new Slack channel, open to anyone.
Hi Kev, I assume I'd be able to set something up. What would be the preferred platform? Slack? Seems to be a good shot indeed, channels/file exchange/moderation possibilities. Regards.
As there seems to be no platform as of no, maybe it's up to us to set something up & devs can then join.
You're very welcome. There currently seems to exist no platform - other than this forum - for users to communicate freely. Maybe we should set something up? Regards
Been running this bot for a week 24/7 (only exceptions being the update downtimes) - no ban yet.
It is in fact working as of now.
Thank you for the update. If anyone else is interested, here's the post confirming that the bot has been updated: On that topic: @Admins: wouldn't it be a good idea to keep the Bot Status category updated? Kind regards.
Wondered that as well, took the risk and purchased. It is indeed available and working as advertised. Download links will become available once you purchased a license. Kind regards.
Hi there, is there an ETA on a version working with v3.3.2? Regards
Hi there, Unfortunately, there seems to be no common ground for communication outside of this forum. Kind regards
Seems to be related to the lastest micro-update. Hoping for an updated version soon.
Thank you very much. There's been another small update which seems to have altered the offsets yet again. Any ETA on those changes? Kind regards
Hi there, is there an ETA on a version working with v3.3.2? Regards