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Everything posted by B3L1AN

  1. B3L1AN

    Bot not attacking

    Please attach your lastrun.log as well as screenshots of your Combat setup.
  2. B3L1AN

    Auto Clicker Scipts

    I have an AutoHotKey script ready for that.
  3. B3L1AN

    82.d not work for me

    Thanks for your feedback
  4. B3L1AN


    When it's done Be patient, the guys are on it.
  5. B3L1AN

    there is a patch coming out

    Flask-only appears to work just fine. Haven't got around to testing movement. As some of you report it is not working, I assume an update is neccessary. Alk will be on it. For now, thank you for your patience & stay tuned
  6. B3L1AN

    Missing Aura - Spellslinger

    I forwarded your post. I'll let you know as soon as I hear back.
  7. B3L1AN

    3.11 Issues

    I'll have a look at the offsets to see if there have been any changes in that regard. If that is the case, it should be fixable easily.
  8. Hi there, sorry to hear you're experiencing issues with the bot. Please attach your lastrun.log to your post. Also, if possible, please try keeping this part of the forum in English so that others can benefit from the solutions found. Kind regards, B3L1AN
  9. B3L1AN

    хайд процесс

    Я был серьезен. Я просто не имею ничего общего с продажами. Человек, с которым вы можете поговорить, будет: @alkpone. Он, однако, занятой человек. Поэтому использование услуг посредника кажется самым простым вариантом для людей без учетной записи PayPal.
  10. B3L1AN


    He was just trolling One does not simply bypass anti-cheat.
  11. Concerning your transmute/alch settings: in versions leading up to 0.74 there seemed to be an issue if you only had normal maps in your stash and insufficient transmute/alch materials in your currency stash tab. Though I am uncertain whether or not this problem is still present.
  12. B3L1AN

    хайд процесс

    Я не в отделе продаж. Все, что я могу сказать, это то, что на странице оформления заказа принимаются только методы. На сервере Slack есть несколько посредников, которые принимают другие способы оплаты и покупают для вас ключ через свой PayPal. https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/forum/49-join-us-on-slack/
  13. B3L1AN

    хайд процесс

  14. B3L1AN

    хайд процесс

    Бот просит процесс, чтобы замаскировать себя как. Это мера безопасности. Просто откройте notepad.exe или calc.exe и прикрепите к нему бота.
  15. B3L1AN

    Bot only moves in 1 direction

    Please attach your lastrun.log to this thread.
  16. This might be due to your NPC config. Give that button a look.
  17. B3L1AN

    Best settings for progression acts?

    I currently do not run maps.
  18. B3L1AN

    Bot just run's arround

    Yep. See here: https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/topic/12437-psaharvest-pickit-config-for-seeds/
  19. B3L1AN

    seed cache and Grove

    For configuring PickIt, see here: https://www.exiled-bot.net/community/topic/12437-psaharvest-pickit-config-for-seeds/
  20. Do you have the correct maps you set up in your mapconfig in your stash? From my experience, the bot starts idling when there is none of the specified maps present in the designated stash tab(s). Edit: Please provide screenshots of your bot setup as well. This will make figuring things out easier.
  21. B3L1AN


    Hi Aizen, welcome to the botting community -B3L1AN
  22. B3L1AN

    Cyclone skill support

    From the pure botting perspective: yes, viable & working. When it comes to builds, that's up to you.
  23. B3L1AN

    Best settings for progression acts?

    In the combat config, play around with the distances.
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