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Posts posted by Radek

  1. 1 hour ago, Psielle said:

    same problem, happens every time there is a patch. the easy solution would be for the programmers to ADD a SKIP FUCKING CHAR SELECTION BUTTION as it gets stuck trying to do that. but the devs are to lazy to fix it or update there bot. they update like once a month on a game that patches every week or two making your money completely useless as you cant use the bot 90% of the time you paid for it. it doesnt take 2 weeks to  change offsets!

    Interesting, one-two months ago you said you will get last month and gtfo because this bot super sucks. And yet, you are still here, crying and being rude. Do you really think this behavior will change anything? I don't think so, I am a psychology student and I know you got issues.

    If you don't like it and you are unable to provide valuable feedback you are free to go. 

    Let me remind you that exilebot has the best pricing in the current bot scene. And interestingly, offsets are fixed usually in hours - 1 day since patch release, + my bots works perfectly.

  2. Easy - because you use neversink STRICT, it hides some items - for example, a lot of rare items. Which means that if you did not set the bot to do NOT collect any rares, the bot will try to collect them, but because your filter hides them, then it stuck, trying to loot them.

  3. First of all, I am pretty sure that bot doesn't support your QuadPremiumTab, which is huge... It supports only MTX-Currency tab and stash tabs of normal size. - That is the solution for problem one.

    Secondly, PoE is changing layouts sometimes, and some of them are super retarded that the portal is just in the way -nothing you can do.

    For mapping, I disable those specific maps where does that happen, and for act maps? - I wouldn bot act maps ever, its like write to global chat you are using a bot.


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