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Everything posted by kaycrossedover

  1. kaycrossedover

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    Yes. I got it working. It wasn't directx issues. But issues with Virtualbox. Once I used vmware player or workstation it works now. But now the problem is that the game averages like 11 fps with all the settings set low. The bot runs, but sometimes encounters issues due to lag, like bj6ck6text1 mentioned above. I have a decently powerful cpu and gfx card and yet it really struggles.
  2. kaycrossedover

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    Also LauraVanderbuuben, Which version of windows did you put on your vm? And did you install PoE from the installer or do you have a shared folder on your non-VM client that you run it from?
  3. kaycrossedover

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    Thanks for the response. I'm having trouble even opening the client when I run on VirtualBox. Let me try it on vm workstation player and ill get back to you. Thanks for the input!
  4. kaycrossedover

    Is POE on a Virtual Machine dead now?

    Now that poe is seemingly Directx11 only, and because none of the VM software have figured out directx11, is there no longer a way to run poe and therefore exiledbot on a vm? Is there a way to force poe to run an older directx?
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