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Beta Tester
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About PhalanxRS

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    El Pollo Loco

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  1. PhalanxRS

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    The competitor to Progression is the fix for bot getting stuck in walls/stairs/etc... Add that
  2. PhalanxRS

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    Add "use of movement skills" like whirling blades, teleport and stuff like that
  3. PhalanxRS

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    You forgot progression, the list is ordered by priority...
  4. PhalanxRS

    Exiled Bot Feature Request

    Flask management is already done, ill share my priorities EASY: Fix for walking on transitions: Make transitions unwalkable (area navigator forward transitions) EASY: casting auras at HideOut EASY: Fix proximity mobs EASY: Add log to image search - if image not found put a log of that EASY: Make map league option available EASY BUT LONG AND TEDIOUS: !!!!!!!!!!Progression!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HARD: SOLVE STAIRS: Make corners calculation (vectors degree and derivitive) MEDIUM: -Movement skills after corners calculation EASY: Make stashing fast (using mouse for stash switch - image search if needed) EASY: GCP sell recepie UNKNOWN DIFFICULY: Do masters quests (we can use openCV OCR to read the quest text)
  5. PhalanxRS

    Stash Loop

    happend to me and i simply restarted poe and it fixed it.
  6. As title says.. is there anything I can do to fix this?
  7. PhalanxRS

    Bot getting stuck on edges

    When ever the bot is standing on top of and edge where there is no way down off it, the bot gets stuck for a while until it move forward, this kind of edge can be found in the city of sarn act 3 and in some maps (ghetto for example)
  8. PhalanxRS

    Just been banned on 2 accounts

    aproximately 5 ex gone, managed to save 4 ex in guild bank so guild bank does work i usually didnt bot for more then 12 hours, recently i tried to bot for more... maybe that's the reason...
  9. PhalanxRS

    "Missed" clicks

    I Changed the graphics to low as described in the compendium and it is fixed.
  10. PhalanxRS

    Bot getting stuck in gehtto map

    good idea
  11. PhalanxRS

    Bot getting stuck in gehtto map

    I witnessed the bot getting stuck in the ghetto map, i'm pretty sure it can happen elsewhere basically what happens is the bot trying to get off a ledge and there is no way down the ledge, it has to go around but it trys to jump off which is no possible in poe.
  12. You need to add A_INDEX = A_INDEX + 1 in the loop
  13. PhalanxRS

    "Missed" clicks

    I also have this problem: Bot version: 0.61d Virtual machine: VMWare 12 Windows: Windows 10 I think adding a simple hover delay (move mouse to location then wait) should fix the problem
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