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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Afterlife

  1. Afterlife

    Lioneye's Watch Act 6 problem

    Hello there, I wanted to set up bot, to collecting Pride Before the Fall on Mud Flats (because on The Karui Fortress is super unefficient, bot running only a minute or so till the boss arena, and then tp to town, but that's another topic), but when character comming back to town after clearing (or full stashing) mud flats, it instead of selling items running to Coast, just outstide a town open portal and comming back to town, and so on, and so on... Bot do that until empty portal scrolls then stop. This is kind a problem. I tried to use NPC Setting, and write down the Name "TARKLEIGH" or "LILLY ROTH" or "LILLY" (both uppercase and lowercase) under 'Use specific NPC', to force him to sell, but it doesnt help. @edit I found out a solution, and it's working for now. Well it's more like work around the problem. I forced him to use hideout, so when bot finish the mud flats (or full stashing) he tp to town, and then move to hideout, bypassing the lioneye's watch completely. Its not pretty solution, but it works. I hope that will help someone with similiar issue.
  2. Afterlife

    0.69e Kaom's Stronghold Crash

    Hi there, Each time character enters the arena with Kaom bot crash. Its a big problem, at least for me, bcos Im trying to farm the battleborn card.
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