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Beta Tester
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About ihacknewbies

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  1. ihacknewbies

    bot getting stuck at strongbox

    Do you have always highlight checked in game? Bot can't handle strongboxes and always highlight
  2. ihacknewbies

    My EB always stuck on vendor

    I ran into this in act 3 when I had full bags and would try to vendor. It crashed whatever process I attached to, stopping the bot. My solution was to rush to act 4
  3. ihacknewbies

    Less unecessary movements

    I'm experencing this also. New user coming from the now shut down exilebuddy. The movement was so crisp with very little wasted time. Here ill run back and forth for 10 seconds to wait for a mob coming down a tree and stuff like that or if mobs are similar distance on two sides it gets confused and runs back and forth
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