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About Jericho

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  1. Jericho

    Looting problem

    Hi guys, Just trying the bot first time and followed the video guide by the non native English speaker. Unfortunately that version is a bit older so it doesn't cover everything properly I am having problems with the looting part. Especially the "pick settings". My always highlight in-game is off like the video said but the mouse just clicks randomly most of the time and goes back to town or something. Now what setting do I put my in-game "key-pickup" at. disabled, higlight key or use bound key? If the latter, what key? The bot offers "use alt to loot" so I put the key bound to Alt for pickup, but still it didn't do it. Please explain to me step by step how to get the pickup going right for the newer version of the bot. Thanks in advance, Regards, Jericho
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