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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Curado

  1. Curado

    the bot works with version 2.2.2b?

    it is best to test it in your HO.
  2. Curado

    Add more flask to bot

    Nice solution. Personally I use Gurud's AutoFlask http://badplayerr.github.io/ I turn off all flask duties by the bot. (pretty much set everything to 0) and it works great. It uses all types of flasks, removes bleeding/freeze/burning - if you have the appropriate flasks.
  3. Curado

    May i request a little trial version before buying?

    I've been running for a few months. Works great for me.
  4. Curado

    Problem with stash tabs and chaos recipe

    Try making currency tab 3 (or 2). I believe the bot uses the first available tab to dump all non-currency and non-chaos stuff into. In this case tab 1 is that. (as well as currency) Good Luck
  5. Yes it will do all of the above. In the Main Tab, enable "Clear Corrupted area" As far as I know, it will not take the red portal that is generated when you finish. I believe it portals out on its own.
  6. Curado

    0.59d Map Issue

    More info: This is not a problem if you map from your hidout. I finally unlocked Zana this afternoon and the problem went away. So, this only affects mapping from the EL
  7. Curado


    I use this with bot and legit play.
  8. Curado

    Inactive mob issue

    I can confirm that it is happening in the Museum map. The problem is with the mobs that don't animate until you are standing right in from of them. One is the Skeletal Beast: http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Skeletal_Beast
  9. Curado

    0.59c - Currency Tab Issue

    With 0.59d the only thing I have that is stopping me from using the new Currency Tab are the Perandus Coins
  10. Curado

    0.59d Map Issue

    More info: If the map in your inventory is in your ignore list (like Tropical Island), then EB will proceed as normal. It will only "burn" maps that are not being ignored (Like Crypt).
  11. Curado


    I noticed that. If we can get the P. Coin storage moved from the "Currencies" Tab to the regular Stash Tab... Just like Cards were; then EB will work perfectly with the new Currency tab.
  12. Curado

    0.59d Map Issue

    Bot Version: 0.59d (was also in 0.59c) Poe Version: Vanilla Hideout on: No Zana in HO: No Map Enabled: Yes Selected Zone: The Dried Lake, Merciless Smart Pickit: Yes If the bot clears a map and then portals back to the Eternal Laboratory and it has any maps in its inventory then as soon as it gets there it will first put the maps into the device one at a time and activate them before taking the WP back to town. Once it is done activating maps it then takes the WP back to town to sell and dump its inventory. It will then pick up a new map and proceed like normal. It only does this if it clears the map and had maps in inventory when it portal back. If it portals back just because inventory is full then it will take maps back to stash as normal. Let me know if you need more info.
  13. Curado

    Buy from microtransition it's safe?

    I bought using Karma Koins http://karmakoin.com/ I bought them online here: http://www.pcgamesupply.com/buygames/Karma-Koin/ PCGameSupply has worked for me flawlessly for over a year. Using this is anonymous and does not tie back to your main account.
  14. Curado

    My ISP getting blocked ??????

    The site changed IP addresses. Your ISP/Phone Provider's DNS is not updated correctly. Be patient it will work itself out in the next few hours. For your PC you could create an entry in your host file. I could throw together some instructions if needed.
  15. Curado

    v0.59 Unable to Launch EB (profile issues)

    Thanks for the update!
  16. Curado

    v0.59 Unable to Launch EB (profile issues)

    Bug Report: I am using: Bot Version: 0.59 beta Poe Version: Vanilla Hideout on: no Zana in HO: no Map Enabled: no Selected Zone: The Dried Lake, Merciless Smart Pickit: Yes Whole lastrun.log: 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> Bot started 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> config.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\config.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> skills.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\skills.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> system.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\system.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> coordinates.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\coordinates.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> pickit.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\pickit.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> flasks.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\flasks.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> progress.ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\EB123\Configuration\default\progress.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:36 [info] -> game ini file loaded from C:\Users\Walt\Documents\My Games\Path of Exile\production_Config.ini 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Index of mod "base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%" not found!! 2016-03-14 21:57:37 [info] -> Exiting bot
  17. Curado

    0.59 profiles issue

    Same problem as this post: https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6783-v059-unable-to-launch-eb-profile-issues/
  18. Curado

    v0.59 Unable to Launch EB (profile issues)

    I'm having this same issue. Tried a total fresh run from the new 59 beta and it has no profiles. Update: It is saving updates (to the default profile) when i hit the save button. For example: If i update flasks in the GUI then it is updating the default profiles flasks.ini Also if i try to create a new profile the app crashes
  19. Curado

    Portal Skill Option

    +1 too. portal gem dropped 2 times today. I'd use this option
  20. Curado

    Stashig alt's, map's and so

    You can now define Currency tabs, Chaos Recipe tabs and "everything else" tabs. The first 2 (general stash tabs and currency) are definable in the GUI, CR still has to be added to the config.ini manually. The CR addition was just added. ; Which stash tab to use? If multi-stash tab is enabled separate tabs with commas. eg: 1,5,7 stash_tab_to_use=1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 ; Which tab to use only for currencies ? Higher priority from left to right currency_store_stash_tabs=4,5 ; Stash tabs to use for chaos recipe items chaos_recipe_stash_tabs=6,7,8 In this example you allow the bot to use Tabs 1 to 8 It will put currency in Tabs 4 and 5 It will put CR (and presumably Regal Recipe) stuff in Tabs 6, 7 and 8. It will put everything else in Tabs 1, 2 and 3 Please note: the Chaos Recipe Stashing is still in development. - Please hold off until released. But you can still sort Currency and everything else...
  21. Curado

    0.57e Config.ini Chaos Recipe

    I noticed the addition of: "chaos_recipe_stash_tabs=" in the config, is this ok to use or is it still in development. Thanks for all the constant development and fixes.
  22. Curado

    Here's a list of issues (I want my money back)

    Are you running any other scripts or mods other than EB? I had a similar problem with EB getting stuck at vendor when i was running Gurud's AutoFlask. It was like the [ctrl] key was not working correctly. I went back to letting EB handle flasks and the problem went away. Hope this helps.
  23. Curado

    Skill out of stuck?

    I have the same issue in the pyramids and it seems to be when the bot is trying to open a chest or break a vase. I turn these settings off in the PickIt tab for these areas and it seems to help. There is a key binding that is called "Key to use on fail movement:" but I have never seen it be used. Since the bot is moving back and forth, maybe the stuck timer never starts. I have my fail to move key bound to "W" which is lightning warp for me. I also have issues in the library where the bot trys to attack a skeleton that has not animated yet. I think this has to do with my Max Distance settings in the Combat tab, but I haven't had time to look into it yet. Hope this helps some.
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