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Beta Tester
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Posts posted by walkingdead

  1. Seems you misunderstood my issue.


    My filter picks up all rare jewellry and all uniques. Proven at least to me by a nice flow of Chaos and several unqiues filling my inventory

    And this is how the bot works, at least to my experience. The logic of the bot though makes him leave when the inventory gets filled over a certain threshold - REGARDLESS of more loot lying around, no matter if it could fit into inventory or not

    The threshold is not 100%, it is more like 60%. I have seen the bot leave a map with 6 chests and some scrolls+few different orbs, without picking up some 2x2 items that clearly would have fit into inventory.


    In my case, the bot left the map when there were no portals left with at least 10 spare 1x1spaces in inventory, while there were still 1x1 items lying around.


    I would be thrilled to see improvement to the pickup-logic.

  2. Just watched my bot leaving 2 amulets and a unique moonstone ring behind and dashing through last portal back to HO just because it is too stupid to fill the inventory with 1x1 items... Yeah, you get it: possible Valyrium or even Shavs Revelation drop, noone will ever know.


    Watching the bot then go to vendor and sell 5 items of 3x2 size and 3 of 2x2 and app. 10 pieces of unused space is just awesome...


    You could make a list with looting priorities

    Or make the little stupid go around and click on 1x1 items lying around after it got over the inventory-full-threshold.



    I understand that it is difficult to tell the bot what to loot first. but shouldn't it be possible to tell him what to try before going to HO?


  3. Need help,  i have marked enable map and enable hideout but the bot only run dried lake.



    Would help if you post pics or text files of your settings.

    How did you setup map stash in pickit-tab?

    Are there maps in that tab?

    Do you have the map device in HO?

    Have you tried to run maps in eternal laboratory?

  4. // Map Tier setting
    [MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] <= "3" # [RunMap] == "true"

    // Map Rarity to Run (Uncommenting means Ignore)
    [Rarity] == "Unique" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Rare" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Magic" # [ignoreMap] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Normal" # [ignoreMap] == "true"

    // If you want to enable automatic quality upgrading
    // [MapTier] >= "4" && [Quality] <= "16" && [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeQuality] == "true"

    // If you want to transmute or alch maps before running them. Be careful UpgradeToMagic and UpgradeToRare aren't compatible.
    [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToMagic] == "true"
    // [Rarity] == "Normal" # [upgradeToRare] == "true"

    // Use this to roll for a specific amount of Item Quantity **(DOES NOT INCLUDE QUANTITY FROM QUALITY)**
    // [map_item_drop_quantity_+%] < "20" && [Rarity] == "Magic" # [RerollMods] == "true" // -- ITEM QUANTITY   -- Total Item Quantity of the ** MAP MODS ONLY **

    // If you want to run Sacrifices, just uncomment following lines. Don't forget to comment first General Settings line ([MapTier] >= "1" && [MapTier] < "3" # [RunMap] == "true"),
    // to be sure that bot will run only Sacrifices.

    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dusk" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Dawn" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Noon" # [RunMap] == "true"
    // [Type] == "Sacrifice at Midnight" # [RunMap] == "true"





    Stash 1 holds currency

    Stash 2 holds maps


    Bot takes a map and goes to map device immediately.


    Is there anything wrong with my setup?

  5. Please offer me some adivce how to configure the bot so that it has a chance to get out of stuck situations like stairs, barrels and such.


    my last information about movement skills is: don't use. can't point to the source, maybe it is just misunderstood.

    What about this "key to use on fail movement"? is that working in general? Tried it one and didn't help at all.

    Tried Leap Slam on middle mouse for fail-move-key



    thanks in advance!



  6. Hey there,


    I found my bot several times now standing idle in a map. Every time the bot idled, he had no portal scrolls in inventory.



    My guess is that he gets stuck in some routine trying to leave the map and when he can't find any scrolls in inventory, something is goes wrong.


    Can't say, why he

    a) not uses ESC-Menu to return.


    b) starts searching for some scrolls lying around.



    After getting the bot logged out manually, the bot started a new map and started collecting scrolls.

    He didn't take any from stash to at least have 1.



    For a workaround I raised the amount of portal scrolls in stash to 45. Will return with results....



  7. You really honest, hand over your heart have a problem with your amount of wisdoms?



    Please consider one of the ways highlighted here to get them:

    collect them yourself (not enough for you, it seems)

    sell armor scraps 1:2

    sell blacksmith whetstones 1:4

    sell transmutes 1:4

    sell portal scrolls 1:1


    that should satisfy any needs...

  8. Hello again,


    I think I solved this.


    There were some syntax-errors in my pickit file.


    So my tip for all those, who change the pickit on their own:



    (works both for pickit and map)

  9. Hi there,


    since some days, I experience a weird problem.


    After some time (can't say how much exactly), something goes awry. I believe, it is something with the keyboard-driver.



    When running on a VM with Win7, the start menu gets opened and closed immediatly at the next mouse-click. I see a flicker onscreen.

    The same happens on a Win10 machine, only there with a fullscreen menu, it can't be closed again and interrupts the bot.

    When pressing backspace after this has happened, it doesn't delete a letter, it writes some small square.


    Administrator rights, etc.

    I believe, I set EB up correctly,

    Please feel free to ask for more details.


  10. Have you activated the option "always reset instance" on the map-tab?

    If yes: what happens, when you deactivate it?


    And for your worries about efficiency:

    1) Why not farm Dried Lake? To me, it surpasses Harvest in any important way. Area is easy to bot, Boss is not difficult with a decent build.


    2) Considering efficiency, a reset makes sense to me, as the bot finds new mobs right away after resetting. So no long time running around searching for mobs.

  11. Ran around some hours with my bot yesterday in Highgate due to something going wry while pausing and leveling up gems.

    (yes, there is autolevel... was leveling my CWDT-setup so, autolevel was no option that time)

    Bot worked well before and went crazy afterwards. I realized that first after I came back to the machine after some 2-3hrs.

    Bot must have been running around town in the same pattern over and over again without change.


    My suspicion is: These hours are the reason I got banned!


    So it would be awesome to include a system that stops the bot from running all over the place while going nowhere.

    For example after some time in town without zone-change or after a certain number of unproductive steps, the bot stops and logs out, or idles or whatsoever.

    Because: something is wrong and needs to be corrected.


    From what I read about how this bot works, there is a good chance that you know what to expect the bot to do and what he absolutely should not do.


    For me as a no-programmer: Is it hard to include something like that?



  12. Hey omega, get a sniggers. :D

    getting heated won't cure his attitude, may it be stupidity or just lack of interest.


    Btw: having done several hundreds Dried Lake runs in the last 3weeks and getting stuck only a 1 (let me phrase that out for youm dear lindht: O N E) spot in the area where Voll sits. No stuck in town, no problem with vendor no problem with stash!


    So whatever problem you might have: it is very likely not the bot. it is more likely some fancy setup-issue on your private machine. and this is not to point at your Hello Kitty Desktop-scheme. It is just something that your machine does and mine doesn't. You could argue that the bot ought to have several routines to find out how your system reacts and act accordingly. but thats a bit much to expect from a project of a single developer, at least from my point of view!


    duh, forgot to say: running 0.57D... dual FT, that dies often in Dried Lake due to poor build, some bad gear and what comes of it (like 4.1k life) still managed to earn enough to fuel the exalt-furnace called Talisman-Achievements hehe

  13. I'm having isues with TP recently, too. Not just in Dried Lake but other areas, too.


    Never before ran out of TPs but now, the bot just spams portals all over.



    From what I observed, he opens a further portals in quick succession when there are enemies around the place where the first portal was opened and the bot moves away from that position.

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