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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by killergate

  1. killergate

    Is srs viable with this bot?

    srs is fine, yeah
  2. killergate

    Chicken Problem pls help!

    Hi, Try setting it to "0" instead of "100"? /kg
  3. killergate

    0.66J Hurt will exit to the login screen

    This was indeed the problem - altho 100 makes it chicken every time - and 0 is the correct setting. /kg
  4. killergate

    0.66J Hurt will exit to the login screen

    hi, Bot will chicken even when chicken option is not set. /kg
  5. killergate

    .59d wastes maps in eternal lab

    Hi, After bot is done with current map, it tps out to eternal lab, and immediately puts in another map from inventory - then procedes to run stash-routine, and forget about the newly opened map in eternal lab - takes new map from stash and creates another instance of the lab... /kg
  6. killergate

    Current and past days auth-problems..

    Hi, I assume we all get credited xx days on our licenses, due to the massive auth-problems over the last days? (seems fixed now) /kg
  7. Hi, My guess is you have a lootfilter enabled in the client. And bot is trying to pick up something that you're hiding away. /kg
  8. killergate

    v0.56l Bot won't move after summoning Golem

    I can confirm this - also in 56m edit: i'll try default and report back. edit: Works fine with 0.56m default config.
  9. Hi, 1. Please fix the attacking of the talisman mobs moving ground effects (the moving curses on the ground). Bot keeps attacking those until they disappear. 2. progress.ini is littered with author's own progress - has been for the last 3-4 versions. 3. Arriving at act 2 - bot is always stuck at the bottom of the stairs, clicking over and over at the waypoint. /k
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