Specifically it's not ignoring Racecourse and Arena. I think it's ignoring Vaal Pyramid, but I'm not sure. It might just not ever need to run that map tier.
[Type] == "Vaal Pyramid Map" # [ignoreMap] == "True"
[Type] == "Racecourse Map" # [ignoreMap] == "True"
[Type] == "Arena Map" # [ignoreMap] == "True"
Bot isn't upgrading Peninsula maps:
[Type] == "Peninsula Map" # [upgradeMapTier] == "True"
Bot is still stashing Racecourses, Arenas, and Vaal Pyramids, so I can't even use that as a work around to ignore those maps. Should I try ForceSell on those maps?
// [Type] == "Vaal Pyramid Map" # [stashItem] == "True"
// [Type] == "Racecourse Map" # [stashItem] == "True"
// [Type] == "Arena Map" # [stashItem] == "True"
As far as I can tell, everything is set up properly in the various .inis. Anyone else having this issue?