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About rfribeiro

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  1. i press start, and it goes to the HO, select and open a map and after entering on it, the bot doesn't do nothing... like it wasn't even ON. im not understanding why this is happening...
  2. here's my settings from the bot, hope that u can give me a hand.. Im not understanding what's wrong because the bot didnt said nothing like 2 days ago and now it says no idle setting and i didn't chanded nothing...http://pho.to/9U8nf
  3. bot is working strange.. it enters the map and then it says: Current idle timer: No idle settings I don't know what's wrong because it's basically default. Need help please, i cant use it for 2 days..
  4. NEED HELP FAST! Bot opens and i press start and it doesnt do nothing.. 2 hours ago it did O.o
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