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Everything posted by UnderTheRadar

  1. UnderTheRadar

    Simple Tips to Avoid Getting Your Anus BANNED

    I just had 8 of 10 bots banned. Would like to know what ive done wrong because theres gotta be a clear mistake ive done if almost all my bots get banned. What ive done for each bot: new vm, new email address(verified, different providers), new vpn(different gateways/ paid vpn) What they had in common: No Lifeguard, Dynamic VPN, almost exact passive tree skilling, same account password. What they did not have in common: no shared parties or any other contact between bots, different farming areas/difficulties, no movings of currency between or to other accounts except ingame trading, different leagues(bloodlines/torment), different names etc, some had idle times set, some not. most of them were only active for 3 or 4 days when i decided to shrink down the size of farming bots due to hardware issues. similarish, but not same online times. would be thanksful for any information about why my bots might have been banned cheers
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