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Everything posted by ajh151

  1. ajh151

    How to setup the Exiled Bot - 2018 Edition

    Build pls
  2. What do you think would be best for my bot setting Left Click - AA Q - Reave W - Dual Strike E - Whirling Blades R - Flicker Strike
  3. ajh151

    Bot not attacking

    Well I have another problem, my bot gets stuck in different zones or just stuck on the story rock in The Ledge
  4. ajh151

    Bot gets sucks

    So I'm not sure where I could find the anwser, but lets say I'm botting The Ledge, sometimes it could go into the underwater caves or get stuck on those story rocks in the ledge, any solution?
  5. ajh151

    Bot not attacking

    My bot isn't quite working. It won't attack a monster or use a spell more than once.
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