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Everything posted by NorthBlue

  1. I bot my character under 0.53version now And I found a bug probably caused by new function of new version. > "Bot now goes back to instance after tp back to town to sell items" My character can come back to town to sell items and continued to farm specific area through portal but every time it comes back without anything to sell, it will idle near the portal until click another point by myself then continue to create another new area. Not sure it was caused by bot internal setup or my bot farming area(town Ps. My bot farming area: dried lake
  2. In fact, i tried lots of stats and different maps to find the most efficient and stable way to bot. For keeping high iir and iiq, my bot always run docks because it just needs high fire res and with AA. That's the reason why i did'nt choose do Piety or maps.
  3. Take my bot as an example My character bot the map with about 400% iir and 100% iiq, and I make it pick all rare items then sell them Sometime. some currency or unique like chaos, exalt or something more valuable also drop and bot will miss them But if bot could go back to finish the map run, it must be avoided of this situation
  4. How to set my bot not pick specific item category? some catrgory likes 2-hand weapons or chest ?
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