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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by omega

  1. what do you mean run twice? or retry?
  2. omega


    your not buying anything... your donating
  3. have you tried using a item filter? this helped me alot
  4. omega

    .52f looting issue

    i restarted and it works fine no probs since... think i should stop smoking for a few days and maybe that will solve these problems....
  5. omega

    .52f looting issue

    bot seems to get hung up on some items trying to loot them idk what happens its like he cant find the rare to pik this happen within 10 mins or starting the bot and seems to hap[pen about 1-2 times per run
  6. omega

    V 52e issue

    heh thanks HE found a 6L and i crafted it *shoulda sold it for proifit but hey one time i wanted to try a good chara. how did u know i had a 6l? also... it was my dumb ass had fucking press shift ticked lmao absoultly nothing wrong with the way either of us was setting up skills
  7. omega

    V 52e issue

  8. omega

    V 52e issue

    i did this but leaving LS in Q key and auras in RT dont have room for golem... i dont see any difference stiff stands and waits for monsters to approach him /e leaving the skills in same slot is ok right? if not i will move it but i didnt think this mattered
  9. omega

    V 52e issue

    what do you do? leap slam then ice crash with Hoa and hatred
  10. omega

    V 52e issue

    not attacking.. or not properly neway.. cursor hovers over monster and stands still until monster gets pretty close and then kills if its ranged he just stands and takes hits using same settings as always i think... ne idea's? reinstalled .52f and still having problem i have right click set to 9 priority max range 8 > min range 0 q set to 8 priority 15 max > 8 min and two auras set @ pritority 9 > aura checked didnt change ne other settings on combat i dont think
  11. omega

    52b pikit

    i have it set to sell uniques and still i see briskwrap and hirmsorrow and such left unid anyone else?
  12. omega

    52b aura problems

    ok atleast i kno its not me... watched that shit for hours off and on and never fucking saw it till id only have one eye on it
  13. omega

    52b aura problems

    randomly drops hatred and ash idk y... seems to happen in middle of run after vendor i have aura's just wondering any1 else having this problem? should i post skill setup? have both auras set to priority 9 and aura box checked nothing else changed
  14. omega

    bot cant loot in .51B

    randomly look in and he is just standing in middle of loot sometimes i can hit z and he will pik and move on sometimes i need to move cursor
  15. omega

    50j issues

    main problem atm is bot has hard time finding item or just stands in the middle of the loot when i manually pick up the item he continues ALSO id like to suggest automatic map upgrading so i dont have all these 68/69's in my stash
  16. omega

    Client closes

    ok is that lastrun or pathfinding? or even in log folder?
  17. omega

    Client closes

    im just gonna do a complete wipe / install did a reinstall and it works good now
  18. omega

    EB shout box mute

    you can mute people in the shout box.... i have babyfart muted aswell simply go to "manage ignore prefs" *right above "client area"* where your key is* pretty straight forward after that hope this helps in avoiding contact with babyfart
  19. omega

    Help please with priority skills

    higher number has higher priority yes
  20. omega

    Currencies - How to Stash Organized!

    i like the idea but... its better to just let the bot do its own thing imo...
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