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Everything posted by SupZerg

  1. SupZerg

    Software does not control mouse

    You can use VMWare software to solve your problem. Also you could read guides here first.
  2. SupZerg

    loot filter = bot filter

    Not possible. So you suggest just take all rares which are shown in poe loot filter and.. what? What to do with them?
  3. SupZerg

    Bot not moving after leaving town

    Looks like you have a problem with your configuration. See lastrun.log.
  4. SupZerg

    Bot beta

    Why does it need to be finished?
  5. SupZerg

    Hello, Bot Questions

    Hello, > purchased the bot a day or two at most before the patch released and now it isn't working 100% since the new patch. Will I get days reimbursed on my subscription or are these days counted towards my status? What do you mean it isn't working? Bot was updated quite fast after poe's patch. > it seems to bug out on attacking bosses and stops and starts to loot things around and will eventually leave the area Bot has timer for killing single mob. If it can't kill the mob in 45 seconds, then bot ignores it. You can change this in config file, but the best decision would be to improve your build. >the other concern I see is that it will start alting.. trying to find an item maybe but the cursor will just go up the screen slowly and reset and go down slowly This means bot is trying to pick up something that is hidden by your loot filter. So just adjust you loot filter with your pickit settings.
  6. SupZerg

    Does my lisence stops?

    Why can't you use it? Are you using one bot at the same time? What kind of license have you purchased?
  7. SupZerg

    Level the entire story with bot

    No, but questing mostly works till act 5.
  8. SupZerg

    Recasting Auras....

    Fix is coming in the next verson.
  9. SupZerg

    Just bought this and it doesn't work.

    See game options.
  10. SupZerg

    Бот не работает

    Какую версию игры используешь? Убедись, что запускаешь клиент в режиме dx9 на англ.языке.
  11. SupZerg

    "The key provided does not exist"

    That's true. Check everything.
  12. SupZerg

    Just bought this and it doesn't work.

    Oh really? Have you tried correct settings? Tried reading guides?
  13. SupZerg

    "The key provided does not exist"

    Hi, you should PM Alkpone about this.
  14. SupZerg

    Bot dead

    You should use 32 bit dx9 game client in english language. Pretty basic stuff huh.
  15. SupZerg

    Bot dead

    Bot works well. Just set it up properly.
  16. SupZerg

    bot working?

    There was no downtown recently. What's wrong with you?
  17. SupZerg

    Aton's Nigtmare Crashes

    Seems it's not supported.
  18. Not worth spending any amount of time implementing this feature.
  19. SupZerg

    3 bots banned simultaneously

    Yeah. They were all botting.
  20. SupZerg

    Add divinity cards stash tab

    Much profit, huh?
  21. SupZerg

    Bot won't proceed.

    Are you using 0.72h bot version?
  22. SupZerg

    Add divinity cards stash tab

    What's the purpose of gems tab? Why do you want to collect gems?
  23. SupZerg

    продажа уников

    В папке pickit редактируй ipd файл, см. forcesell версию.
  24. SupZerg

    Blade Flyrry настройка

    Галочку maintain pressed key в настройках навыка поставь.
  25. В config.ini увеличь max_monster_timeout=45 до нужного значения.
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