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Everything posted by jps42

  1. jps42

    Simplistic Map run

    Nice work on mspaint. The default.ipd in map folder already does this, it is just in syntax form that the bot reads. This makes it simple for users like me to add things in without the need of a dev updating a bot GUI. It take me about 2 minutes to put in map parameter I use. If you would like to read more about it - https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/6658-maprunner-guide-how-to-setup-and-use/
  2. jps42

    BOT can't work!

    Your text font looks different, did you change it?
  3. http://imgur.com/a/e6jUV Click add at bottom of combat tab?
  4. jps42

    Change Run or Map creation counter mechanics

    I like this... even in log file it shows up as "Map opened"
  5. I think you're on the wrong bot forum. This bot does that, but "OldRoutine" is a buddy tab, iirc.
  6. Sure, but I guess you would need to make sure the flask doesn't out regen the amount of mana you keep using for attacks. Also, would have to use build with 1h axe.
  7. You can set it up as a skill. Problem is that you need to be regenerating either life or mana to keep the effect. So if you set it to trigger on unique mobs only, you need to be using skills that will consistently drain your mana from maximum, or have a build that does rely on life flasks that does not regen so fast to fill to maximum.
  8. jps42

    Chisel upgrade loop

    This is actually a stash tab issue. Because it does this same behavior when looking for maps sometimes. Alk has been told about this.
  9. jps42

    Running 2 bots, will it get you banned

    Depends if both are on the same ip. Most ppl use VPN or Proxies.
  10. jps42

    Roll "Pack size" mod on maps

    Huh? Where does the 15 come from? Reroll map mods is either is a true statement or false, using 1 as true and comment line as false. All the lines are there, you just need to comment or uncomment the appropriate ones. Just by taking a quick look, it looks like "of smothering" and "of balance" are the only low map tier mods to alter pack size. So you would uncomment all the other suffix lines to reroll just those 2 suffixes. And yes, you will probably burn through a ton of alts. The other things I can see already is that if the bot rerolls a prefix and not a suffix, it might just run that instead because bot does not currently use augments. (Something I wish it did, and I have asked for) All it will do is check to see if any suffix mods are on reroll list, and if it can't find it, it will run it. Now that I'm thinking into the alteration investment, I don't think rolling pack size is worth it unless your running T7+ because it has more pack size mods. And then if you are running T7+, wouldn't you just go ahead a alch the maps to keep up your base map pool?
  11. jps42

    Roll "Pack size" mod on maps

    What does "different types of mobs pack sizes" mean? http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_map_prefix_mods http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/List_of_map_suffix_mods Just use the mods that give you pack size, reroll the ones that don't.
  12. Click your name top left > client area > purchases
  13. jps42

    Some question from newbie

    1. Probably both if they share ip, and possibly if they have similar machine id 2. Use VM with VPN/Proxy 3. Google - "VPN" 4. There are some recommended builds in the forums, you can also ask on our Discord server. Most ppl use the same types of builds, such as flicker strike/earthquake/tornado shot... etc.
  14. jps42

    Roll "Pack size" mod on maps

    Already does this, just tell what non-pack size mods to reroll in map default.ipd.
  15. jps42

    I can't download bot ?

    Trial version no longer available. You have to donate to download and use.
  16. jps42

    VM lags AF

    Here's a guide on 12, I run 7 so not sure specifically about your issues - https://exiled-bot.net/community/index.php/topic/5754-guide-virtual-machine-setup-guide-vmworkstation-12/?hl=install#entry31963
  17. jps42

    Questions before buying

    You can buy month to month and then buy lifetime license. Progression is being worked on now by the developer, so it won't progress by itself all the way, but will soon.
  18. jps42

    Thinking about buying but concerned about safty

    Have your virtual machine running vpn software. Run your main on the host os with your home ip like normal. I'd recommend making sure you have app kill switch, and dns leak prevention.
  19. jps42

    Thinking about buying but concerned about safty

    You could run virtual machine through vpn. You could create 2 instances, or just use 1 instance plus your main. The general consensus is to keep your machine ids and ip addresses different between bot account and main. This way if bot account is banned it shouldn't lead back to your main. You could then "sell" between accounts, or just rmt from your bot account directly.
  20. jps42

    Upgrading "UNID" maps

    What is ludicrous is that you ALLOW your bot to run out of wisdoms. Noob mistake. Before runs I have a stash row full of ID scrolls. Like I mentioned before, I agree the proper way is to have it fixed in the code, this is by far the easiest and quickest solution until that can happen.
  21. jps42

    Upgrading "UNID" maps

    Pretty much obvious you don't let your bot run out of scrolls, either by id'ing maps or whatever. The solution I gave is the one that you can use now, because I'm not certain that it will be fixed "properly" any time soon. I've added it to the bug list anyways. If your consistently running out of scrolls stock more, don't assume the bot can keep up running instances.
  22. jps42

    Upgrading "UNID" maps

    Your suggestion then?
  23. jps42

    Upgrading "UNID" maps

    Have bot id maps then?
  24. If your farming currency, then no amount of items is going to beat running rare maps; which makes this strictly worse for currency farming. Even in softcore, dying is an efficiency killer. Efficient currency botting = clear speed + IIQ. You will never get over 150% IIQ in dried lakes, and your lack of survivability will hamper your clear speed. Also, please don't use dark blue font color, it's super troll.
  25. You have -60 all resistances with 2k life? Sounds like a 1 shot paradise. Surprised the archers in dried lakes don't eat you for lunch.
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