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Everything posted by jps42

  1. jps42

    smart pickit is messed up for gems

    Why sell detonate mines gem in 1st place for a scroll fragment? Just comment it and be done with it.
  2. jps42

    Chicken out of towns and hideout

    Yeah, this is happening to me too. We shouldn't have to work around it, it should be fixed. Also having issues with the map device in general.
  3. jps42

    Here's a list of issues (I want my money back)

    As of right now, there are bot specific issues, specifically pathfinding in towns. So unless you are doing only maps, I would hold on a bit. I think some of the vets around here get a bit boisterous because people tend to say "It doesn't work" without spending time to figure out the bot and the settings. I admit it might take a little experimentation to get everything to your liking for your specific build, but afterwards the bot shines in farming and skill config capability.
  4. jps42

    Chicken out of towns and hideout

    How does the bot get "stuck" in hideout?
  5. jps42

    Here's a list of issues (I want my money back)

    1. Honestly, this is a very recent issue (well, the town and selling bug) 2. Take me 2 minutes to reconfigure, copy the relevant .ini files from the old folder into the new one. Usually not the config.ini, since it can cause issues. 3. This is your issue with your computer, setup, or host app. Try finding a small app here - http://www.marcofolio.net/tools/50_under_1mb_free_useful_tools_windows.html to attach to. I use ATNotes. 4. Dying doesn't happen randomly, it occurs within the bot parameters, when there is conflicting priorities or skills. Which means fine tuning your skill setup. I have a lvl 96 flame totem bot that has yet to die while botting. In general, it could be your build and gearing. If your going to list faults, it seems like your might want to chase down all solutions before posting your issues as fact.
  6. jps42

    bot keeps crashing

    Find an x32 program that is super small. http://www.marcofolio.net/tools/50_under_1mb_free_useful_tools_windows.html I think I am using atnotes on one of my bots and no issues.
  7. jps42

    [FIXED]Clicking login button loop.

    Do you have the correct credentials and "Save Login Details" checked on POE client?
  8. jps42

    Strange behaviour in 0.57D

    From my experiences with maprunner, upgrade items need to be in the same stash tab as the maps it is going to upgrade. Also, the bot prioritizes map level over rarity. So if there is a white map, with a higher level than other maps, with no upgrade orb available, it will be run as white before other maps. If there is a blue map, with a higher level than the white map to be alch, it will run the blue map before trying to upgrade the white map. I think Alk is overhauling bot stashing, but you need to check if the map level priority is what is really going on in your case.
  9. jps42

    Bot v0.57d bugged

    I'm using blood rage now and it works perfectly.... do you have always recast buff and aura checked? You should only have always recast.
  10. jps42

    Bot v0.57d bugged

    Earlier I also had issues with bot moving back and forth between vendor and stash in Highgate. I didn't capture logs unfortunately, thought it was one-off and went to mapping. Other people seem to be having similar issues and even spotting other players wandering in Highgate.
  11. I think you probably selected Garena CIS on the Path of Exile version. EDIT: Completely misunderstood what was being said, ignore my post plz
  12. This is a good idea, I had brought it up to Alk before in regards to jewels as well for pickit purposes. The tricky part from what I remember is how bot identifies if an augment had been successfully used or not on the particular item. I thought have bot just try to aug every map once when rerolling regardless of outcome, but I'm not sure if it becomes same issue like trying to upgrade mirrored maps.
  13. So wouldn't just knowing what map bosses would give issues and ignoring those maps altogether be far easier and faster solution that getting some reporting into what single map you died on? You can pretty much look at the maprunner ipd and it tells you what maps are difficult. Look at this wiki page, it ranks map bosses for you - http://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Map#Maps_by_Level I understand what you might be wanting in additional reporting, but I think it needs to be either way more detailed or not a feature at all.
  14. The actual map is not what kills a player, other than the boss, it's the mods. And for bosses you can look them up or just know which ones not to try, like Carnage, The Wicked One, etc. For example, knowing that I died on a magic monster/onslaught modded strongbox with bearers seems reasonable... now if it was in coves map, which I run tons of, that's not going to help one bit. I'm not going to stop running coves because I died once there. I have a lvl 96 Flame Totem bot that hasn't died yet running T10 and above, so part of it could be your build, flask setup, and chicken response. TL;DR Feature really isn't going to give you much info about your build survivability.
  15. jps42

    bot not reset instance in merciless

    I've been leveling another bot in ledge for last 20-30 minutes with no issues. Probably your map explore percentage is too low, not sure. You can always stop bot when the issue happens and then post the last 20 or so lines of your lastrun.log.
  16. jps42

    Pickit Rules - Mirrored Items

    Bot cannot directly detect mirrored items, and anyways the only mirrored items that would cause any issues is mirrored maps while trying to upgrade/reroll. Helps a ton not to open strongboxes, that's where they come from, and strangely enough not from cartos.... they come from other boxes.
  17. jps42

    Map Issue - Unid

    I don't understand what you're saying. This PickIt line should ID maps as you get them - [Category] == "Map" # [map_monsters_life_+%] >= "0" && [stashItem] == "true" If you don't have ID scrolls to identify stuff, that's your problem really.
  18. jps42

    v0.57 JUmps back and forth using TP

    Post the last 20 lines of your lastrun.log
  19. This will vary depending on your build. The build I use could probably face tank way more bosses than a evasion based build (can facetank Voll no problem in Dried Lakes). There are max block/spell block that probably could take on The Wicked One without issues. Personally, I just don't run maps that have bosses I don't like; the reason being that if you are chickening on sight and resetting map, you could be potentially wasting the map by chickening way before map is finished. Unless your botting T10+, maps are not expensive at all to buy.
  20. jps42

    Map's profile not working properly

    Awesome, maybe that's the OP's issue as well.
  21. jps42

    Map's profile not working properly

    Did you rename the map default.ipd?
  22. jps42

    Map's profile not working properly

    Do you have your transmutes in the same stash as the maps you want to upgrade? Do you have any specific mods or maps on ignore? The ignore check overrides any other function.
  23. jps42

    Bot Not Re-Rolling already Magic map mods

    I think I know what the deal is... you probably have ignore on the same mods. The ignore check has priority over the reroll function. That is why I put back the rarity for the ignore checks. If you want to reroll magic maps, don't ignore those same mods with magic rarity.
  24. jps42

    Bot Not Re-Rolling already Magic map mods

    Are your transmutes in same stash as map to be re-rolled?
  25. jps42

    the exiledbot is not popping up for me.

    Make sure it is a x32 program. Also, try restarting the program before you attach it again.
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