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Everything posted by Deityslayer

  1. Deityslayer

    Some outstanding issues

    I tried using shift while moving Instantly I found an issue. I had a full stash and tried to go from eternal lab -> town. At the waypoint, it was stuck trying to shift+left click.
  2. Deityslayer

    Is guild stash a safer option?

    If your bot gets banned, your main will get banned aswell if it's being used under the same IP. Furthermore, I find no use for using a guild stash, as you shouldn't get banned in the first place. Projecting to get banned is not something that you want.
  3. Deityslayer

    A bit worried after a recent ban(s)...

    ^this Obviously the GMs said this: "Okay fuck this guy, botting and shit, thinking it's not obvious. So we'll ban the rest of this shitter's accounts, but we noticed he's been a player/supporter here for a very long time. So, we'll keep a good image and ban the non-supporter accounts. Great. Fuck this dude. Layta bitch."
  4. Deityslayer

    Last stash tab stuck

    I have two unique maps in my 4th stash tab, and it gets stuck there. the logs say its trying to take something out the cursor is on an empty spot in the tab. also i did have a non-ignored map in stash #3.
  5. Deityslayer

    Default pickit amulet - ring typo

    //crit hp [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [stashItem] == "true" //crit res hp [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "50" && [base_maximum_life] >= "40" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [stashItem] == "true" //tri res hp [Category] == "Ring" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [TotalResistances] >= "40" && [base_item_found_rarity_+%] >= "25" && [base_maximum_life] >= "50" && [stashItem] == "true" //Caster Crit cast and spelldamage [Category] == "Amulet" && [Rarity] == "Rare" # [base_critical_strike_multiplier_+%] >= "50" && [critical_strike_chance_+%] >= "30" && [base_cast_speed_+%] >= "8" && [spell_damage_+%] >= "15" && [stashItem] == "true" In the same category.. It says ring twice when it should be amulet.
  6. There are uniques that are alone worth 40+ exalts. Examples are Voll protector and Shavronne's wrappings. Just loot all the uniques. edit: Oh. You changed the pickit. Well, yeah, you have to remove the first line.
  7. Deityslayer

    Suddenly having pickit issues

    When updating bots don't use your old configs. Also try unticking the pickit checkboxes under smart pickit. press f11 to reload configs.
  8. I reroll phys reflect mods. Actually I think the damage + life leech is enough to sustain the reflect. I also have like 4-5k armor. 13k dps is pretty high for a cheap build. I can't pickit axes. There is no way to. Actually I guess dps pickit can find a good 1h. Wings gives: 25% of Block Chance applied to Spells 10% additional Chance to Block while Dual Wielding (80 to 120)% increased Physical Damage Adds (55–100 to 65–120) Fire Damage in Main Hand Adds (55–100 to 65–120) Chaos Damage in Off Hand Counts as Dual Wielding There are no wasted stats. Also I went for it mainly because I wanted an axe. Aside from that, it easier to get the woe. It takes time to get 300 dps axes. Also my build has phys % damage, and there is no phys dps mod in pickit. Last time I checked I had 44% block. Lazhwar and nodes give me more than 30% spell block. I think. I just feel like my build clicks together nicely. Maybe it is smart to pickit the dps axes though. I'll be sure to do that once I get a GG helm/boots/gloves/rings. Actually, I just remembered, woe has 25% of block chance to spells. I'll be sticking to woe. Mainly because the only way you die with this build is tons of projectiles/spells or 1shotting bosses. edit:: I have 54% block attack and 41% block spells.
  9. Deityslayer

    Please Fix Mapping Issues T_T

    The portal dilemma isn't a bug, it happens because it's running a map with an ignored modifier. The only mapping bug I see is poor pathing, semi-rarely. For example: Museum map. And transmuting mirrored maps if that's still happening.
  10. Deityslayer

    Zone revamp discussion

    Yep. I'd say docks is even worse than other zones, actually. And then there's the rain. The graphical limitations will definitely kick in before cpu limitations with multiple clients. I wish there are better options than library/catacombs. Are there? in zones.
  11. @krzr23 I've already hit 80. I'm just clearing the lowest 2 level maps. Chicken 2-10 times out of 100 runs. Fairly can say that this is one of the most resourceful builds without investing currency, if not the best... I know for sure after I get good pickit gear I will be running super high level maps. I'm going to add a CWDT - increased aoe - enduring cry - immortal call aswell. I have 106/666 mana available to me. I basically never run out of mana with 2% mana leech. Now that I can sustain my mana pool without any flask, I'm going to even further increase survivability. Mana is a big focus for me, since I don't want any mana problem whatsoever. The only thing that can kill me is being frozen over and over, bugging, or super strong bosses. With phys% reduction it should be resolved with the block chance I have. Can't really do much about being frozen. Don't like the uniques for it. Crit falls off hard. I know the nodes look juicy. If you've played legit you know how a crit build works. You get super strong, then fall off super hard, and die in 1-2 shots. The goal for ANY build should be super high level maps. Keep that in mind. So, crit is detrimental to what you are trying to achieve. I really like my passive tree. Literally, clear speed is NOT an issue with any dual strike/flicker build. These are the fastest builds. Edit: Fixed the tree up 3 nodes or so.
  12. Deityslayer

    Zone revamp discussion

    Any other maps? The CC is really scary at catacombs Lunaris seems good edit: and then kole smashes you. edit2: I think library is good.
  13. Deityslayer

    Pickit Question - Order?

    Just test it manually. Move them around. I realized that it's category -> rarity -> implicit # explicit. I'll be adding my final pickit for immo's steroid guide in a couple hours or soon. I believe rarity -> category works too.
  14. Deityslayer

    Pickit Question - Order?

    Nice... I will use your data! Thanks for contributing,
  15. Deityslayer

    Pickit Question - Order?

    These are implicit modifiers, they don't need to be identified in order to find these. Swords have accuracy and crit chance w/o being identified. "# If you put that symbol, your item will be identified. Everything in left of # is to tell the bot which item will pick up Everything in the right of # is to tell the bot which modifiers it will check in that item, if they match that item will be stashed" Maybe you should read what you provide..
  16. Deityslayer

    Pickit Question - Order?

    I've read that thread multiple times prior to creating this one. Nowhere does it answer any of my questions. There is no IDing in this pickit. ([674] == "18" || [96] >= "20" is the implicit modifiers accuracy and crit
  17. Deityslayer

    Pickit Question - Order?

    ([Rarity] == "Rare" || [Rarity] == "Magic") && ([Category] == "Chest" || [Category] == "Helm" || [Category] == "Gloves" || [Category] == "Boots") && ([Armor] > "0" || [Evasion] > "0") && [Energy Shield] == "0" // Rare Set [Category] == "1Handed" && ([Rarity] == "Rare" || [Rarity] == "Magic") && ([674] == "18" || [96] >= "20") // Swords - Generic,Thrust So, why do I have to put rarity before category for one and rarity after category for the next line? Or else it doesn't work? Also, why isn't this working? It picks up trash whites and magics. [Rarity] == "Rare" && ([Type] == "Rusted Hatchet" || [Type] == "Jade Hatchet" || [Type] == "Boarding Axe" || [Type] == "Cleaver" || [Type] == "Broad Axe" || [Type] == "Arming Axe" || [Type] == "Decorative Axe" || [Type] == "Spectral Axe" || [Type] == "Jasper Axe" || [Type] == "Tomahawk" || [Type] == "Wrist Chopper" || [Type] == "War Axe" || [Type] == "Chest Splitter" || [Type] == "Ceremonial Axe" || [Type] == "Wraith Axe" || [Type] == "Kurai Axe" || [Type] == "Siege Axe" || [Type] == "Reaver Axe" || [Type] == "Butcher Axe" || [Type] == "Vaal Hatchet" || [Type] == "Royal Axe" || [Type] == "Inferal Axe") // Axes
  18. Deityslayer

    Zone revamp discussion

    Docks now has unique revenant terrorizing the zone with its cyclone. Where are we botting at now? I tried imperial gardens, it seems okay. Maybe library, with some chaos resistance? **I meant catacombs I use blood rage anyways.
  19. Dual strike Wings of Entropy Starting: (Extremely early levels) [DualStrike] Not Geared Fully - Magic&Rare Set - RareAcc Leveling - having a complete set of at least magic gear: [DualStrike] Leveling - DualStrike - RareSet - AllUniques Farming - End game. [DualStrike] Farming - DualStrike Map config - Wings of Entropy (Updated as I go): Dual Strike Wings Of Entropy Map Config Hope you guys enjoy this as much as I do! I'll update this even further once I advance. Once the new default pickit is updated I will update it into these pickits With the intent of a build that's almost not invested into, I can only conclude that you seem to have fell off in the purpose of your passive tree. At the top-right side of the passive tree, you branch off 8 passive points mainly for 4% block. This does include attack speed, movement speed, and some physical % damage. What I've tried to achieve is maximizing physical damage over attack speed. In logic, if you get CC'd hard or stunned (I'm using unwavering stance), you'll probably have one attack (one out of three multistrikes) before it happens. With the %mana & aura nodes, you very rarely run out of mana with haste+hatred. Of course, this is with a level18 reduced mana + int amulet (lazhwar). At super end game, you can remove many intelligence nodes for even more damage after you have mana on the gear that I have able to change for rares (glove, helm, rings, and boots last - 60% mana regen). Keep in mind, I'm using Wings of Entropy - a 2H axe that acts as duel wielding. However, it works with 2H nodes, not 1H nodes. I was able to find the bottom cluster great for 2H + axe nodes. Also there is very little investing into these nodes if any. Here is my passive tree. http://www.pathofexile.com/passive-skill-tree/AAAAAgQAAdwB5wlYCZYOPBHVEiATTBQgFFIYkRjbGS4b-h3KIWAl3ycLJyAnLyftKNspLimlME80kzWSNe82ujboOlI67T38QKBBdEKjRmlHfkp9SshOKlBHVbVW2VcNV5dYY1ivW69csF6LXz9gQWFSY3BlTWegbBZttG5pbpduqnYreA18uICKgUGDtoTZhmCHGYd2jM-QCpkrnCeezZ_LpBmkrKcwqW6uULXytkG8n72Bvoq-p8APwQTBi8GjxLjP-NIh0k3T_NX42L3ZYdun3Q3f7-Of6wnuFO8O707v4_Gs8i_ynPZI9033vvk0_Ev8xQ== 5L: DualStrike - MultiStrike - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Melee Splash Tabula Rasa: DualStrike - MultiStrike - Faster Attacks - Melee Physical Damage - Melee Splash - IIR Helm: Geofri's Crest / Alpha's Howl Weapon: Wings of Entropy (-5c) Amulet: Stone of Lazhwar (looking for a rare w/ pref manaleech/iir/hp/res) Boots: Goldwyrm. Change last. MS/IIR. Gloves: Aursieze 13k tooltip DPS with hatred+haste, level 79. Gloves: Slitherpinch (gearing) Attack speed preferred Rings: Mana leech hp res atkspd Belt: life resists Also I'm running Flicker strike - Melee splash - Curse on hit - Warlord's Mark. Edit: They're all fixed now Edit2: Fixed edit: fixed gems edit: Wings is even cheaper now! edit: using more uniques
  20. Deityslayer

    Currencies - How to Stash Organized!

    Just make the next line of currencies skip the column... It's that easy. And make the currencies with the high amount of slots take the entire column instead of half. That's 12 slots. 20? per stack = 240. 4 columns max. Easy
  21. Deityslayer

    Auras aren't re-cast upon revival

    Auras aren't re-cast upon death -> revival. Chicken is fine.
  22. Deityslayer

    Currencies - How to Stash Organized!

    You skip 6 slots for that currency. Chaos orb is already there, it's equivalent to an Orb of Regret. Also if there's an organized layout like this, then the gear that you pick up would be less clustered. Making use of all 4 stash tabs.
  23. Deityslayer

    Currencies - How to Stash Organized!

    Saving all your orbs for that moment when you have level 6 masters for discounted vendoring. Well, that and selling your orbs
  24. Deityslayer

    Pickit - Implicit Modifiers Question

    // Key List: Type, ItemLevel, MapLevel, Armor, Evasion, Energy Shield, Computed Armor, Computed Evasion, Computed Energy Shield, Rarity, Quality, Sockets, Linked, and all the mods found in ModsList.html file.
  25. Deityslayer

    Pickit - Implicit Modifiers Question

    Can I specify implicit modifiers before the #? Like so: // LEVELING [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Energy Shield] > "0" && [Evasion] >= "0" && [Armor] == "0" && [block_%] == "0" // Rare Armor [Rarity] == "Rare" && [spell_damage_+%] >= "8" && [block_%] == "0" // Wand [Rarity] == "Rare" && [spell_damage_+%] == "15" && [block_%] == "24" // Spirit Shields EDITED: // LEVELING [Rarity] == "Rare" && ([Category] == "Chest" || [Category] == "Helm" || [Category] == "Gloves" || [Category] == "Boots") && [Energy Shield] > "0" && [Evasion] >= "0" && [Armor] >= "0" // Rare Set [Rarity] == "Rare" && [Category] == "1Handed" && [spell_damage_+%] >= "8" // Wand [Rarity] == "Rare" && [spell_damage_+%] == "15" && [741] == "-3" // Spirit Shields
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