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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by d4ns0ul

  1. It will be nice to have an rule that bot never pickup these items.
  2. I jsut look at the bot but i have remarked that sometime when the bot goes down and map is nearly cleared he leave via ctrl-esc to renew a new map but the counter of chicken is incremented by 1. Its not a big features but it will be nice to have real stats on counter.
  3. d4ns0ul

    0.57 Still have aura issue

    Ive found a glitch on a map Its Crypt Map - i dont test all map but this one is bugged. When by bot start this one he simply dont cast any aurra and start fighting every time Reproductible Issue I use Steam version And - my aurra setup is - PurityFire on Q - Determination on W - Vitality on E - Rigteous fire on R - Fire Golem on T Could you check that - maybe it could help for now i have just remove this map from do list on my bots.
  4. Ive got an issue - like sometime my bot dont recast the aura - on a new map its ok but like die or chicken idk wich one but bot always focus to kill monster insight before casting aura but sometime tp is like near a tons of mob. my bot run rigteous fire so like 6 chicken and start a new map lose a little but time but not so bad. If ou could check that.. or its me in configuration idk why.. on previous version like 0.55 and before the bot havent that bug.
  5. d4ns0ul

    bot not using auras? up to date version on steam

    I just fixe my issue by remove aura case for rigteous fire .. only need to check recast. hope it can help
  6. d4ns0ul

    bot not using auras? up to date version on steam

    me is cast aura but dont move after get stuck on rigteous fire -
  7. d4ns0ul

    bot not using auras? up to date version on steam

    Same here - could you fix that !!!
  8. Is probably possible to add a Pickit table with all category and all unique items. Now we need a big configuration to add or remove some crap items. With a Gui and simple checkboxes we can improve the speed of configuration. Example : Belt Button / Open a page with all Unique Belt with a checkboxes and on the side the stats for rare belt u want to keep like poe.trade in simple This will be awesome !!!!
  9. bump - hope will fix soon
  10. same here 50i doing same thing
  11. steam version - Bot Broken !!!
  12. [TOTEM FOCUS MODE] = Always focus on totem when - Other allies cannot die Mod appear on a monster.à on last season bot was always kill totem first but in the new league but stock every 10 map.
  13. plz fix that soon as possible i have 3 bot not working - loosing so much money
  14. d4ns0ul

    [0.29] Items on Cursor taken to next level:)

    PLease fix this soon as possible For now we use 0.28F that fully working
  15. d4ns0ul

    [0.29] Items on Cursor taken to next level:)

    Im also trying changing my wallpaper color. to try friend use same version and no bug idk to figure out exacty wat is it
  16. d4ns0ul

    [0.29] Items on Cursor taken to next level:)

    my bot was blocked on a shield at vendor he has chicken 38 times at time out. it was a Ezomyte Spiked Shield rare items. the shield was on XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX__ XXXXXXXXXX__ in my inventory Bot click on other items and swap arround. I jsut change the emplacement of it and it auto sell it..
  17. d4ns0ul

    [0.29] Items on Cursor taken to next level:)

    Same things with 0.29B ill try the 0.29c
  18. d4ns0ul

    [0.29] Items on Cursor taken to next level:)

    Same Issue Her - cant figure out from now but the issue is less often when i dont pickup chromes. When the glitch occur the but try to ident items that are already and use an item as scroll The easy way to figure out its comparable to the issue that was occured on precedent version with baroque shield. But now its with other items I will let knwo if i can reproduce.
  19. I use Vmware with Win7 and to avoid program crash i reboot the vm periodicaly I need help to make a script that will auto start the POE + Bot and that will reboot my pc like 1times per 6 hours of botting. All i want its a fully automated script Start POE Delay ( 60sec ) Start Bot Program Delay ( 10sec ) Click on start button of the bot and reboot PC every 6H If someone can help me that will be awesome Thanks
  20. d4ns0ul

    Keybinding to Start The Bot

    I mean the first start button not pause and resume. Like space or enter maybe someting like that will be cool ! I want to automate the process of restarting my vm'S and i cant automated the start bot.
  21. Dear ExiledBot Team, My request its very Simple Is it possible to add a personnalised or not, key binding features for Starting the bot. Like a F Button Only For Starting Thanks Also will be nice to have Chaos and regret recipe Farming !!!
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