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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by youarealamp

  1. youarealamp

    0.30j - bot not using flasks?

    Ive set the threshold to 90% and filled all 5 flasks slots with life flasks, the bot is not using any of it at all. I've change all flask delay to 200ms so it can spam them but to no avail, anyone else having the same issue?
  2. youarealamp

    bot selling rares without iding them, any idea why?

    same here, the bot is selling normal maps as well. what the heck is going on?
  3. like the title says, there's no problem in picking up rares. im using the default pickit profile. all i wanted was to let the bot pick up the rares, id them and sell them like it did before. somehow it stopped working. anyone having the same problem?
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