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Beta Tester
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Everything posted by Rooroosh

  1. Rooroosh

    Bot v0.57d bugged

    That fixed it, thanks.
  2. Rooroosh

    Bot v0.57d bugged

    Nope, doesn't work either way, worked fine the last few months, even with aura checked. Now he prioritizes blood rage recast over combat skills even though it hasn't ran out yet I reduced the priority and added a cooldown so now he doesn't spam it so much in combat. It seems like since the last patch bot thinks blood rage is a combat skill, not a buff and tries to attack mobs with it. Before this, I had it at priority 10 and 0 sec cooldown and bot still always waited till it ran out.
  3. Rooroosh

    Bot v0.57d bugged

    Bot also now spams blood rage instead of letting it run out before recasting.
  4. yep, same thing, whenever he's not in combat, the bot will try to click upper right corner every few seconds.
  5. Rooroosh

    0.53b bot goes back to portal unnecessarily

    I don't understand what you mean. The problem I saw was that the bot sometimes goes to town (NOT full inventory) maybe due to idle too long or enough map% explored, then sells/stashes what he has, but now instead of making a new instance he goes back to the portal only to immediately create a new portal and go back to town. Now he makes a new instance and continues as normal but he just wasted some time and a portal scroll (oh no!) I didn't babysit the bot today so I didn't catch him doing any instant portals. My current theory is that the idle portal is at fault. By design If the bot idles for too long he will make a portal and always go back through the portal to finish the map to the set % which is ok, although I would prefer it if he made a new instance instead. Maybe it just so happened that when he was <1% off from reaching the map exploration he also hit the idle timer (mine is quite low) and so he went back through the portal thinking that idle was the trigger, then went back took a step, hit the map % limit and made a portal back. It happened a few times yesterday though, maybe just multiple big coincidences?
  6. Rooroosh

    0.53b bot goes back to portal unnecessarily

    It is a great feature, it's just that with my specific setup it is unnecessary and seeing as there are currently a few minor issues with it, I'd rather not use it at all for now. Sorry for being unspecific, but it doesn't happen all the time so it might not be easy to reproduce. I'll keep an eye on it and see if I notice a pattern.
  7. Common thing that keeps happening is the bot's inventory becomes half full and he either explores enough % of the map or get's stuck for long enough to make a portal, then goes to sell the few items he has and comes back through the portal only to make another portal very shortly after. I assume its trying to confirm that no items were missed even though his inventory was not even full when he left. Honestly I don't really need this feature to begin with, is there a way for me to disable it entirely and just force the bot to make a new instance every time after TP to town?
  8. Rooroosh

    0.52h bot ignores multiple options from the menu

    Solved. In case someone else encounters this problem it indeed happens because the pickit file overrides the menu settings. I fixed the rare pickups by deleting the rare sections in the pickit file, I'm guessing commenting them would've worked too but I went for the quicker fix. Basically, if, for example, the pickit file is setup to stash rare chests that have high life, trires and armor, then the bot will pickup every chest in an attempt to identify them and see if they meet the criteria, even if you have "pick rares" disabled in the menu.
  9. Rooroosh

    0.52h bot ignores multiple options from the menu

    Yeah that could be it, changed that line, however the 5links are almost a non issue anyway since they're so uncommon. My main problem is the bot filling up with rares too fast. I looked through the pickit file but couldn't find a line that would force the bot into picking up all rares.
  10. In the pickit menu I uncheck "loot 5L items", "loot rare items" but the bot still picks up 5L items and loots all rare items. Other options seem to work fine, I unchecked "pick chrom items" and it stopped picking them. This could be related so I'll mention that the bot also doesn't want to level gems. I've tried bumping the shade variation to 90 but then the bot started missing the vendor. I didn't want to mess with it too much so I set it back to 82. using Dx11, running bot and poe as admin windows 7 64bit
  11. Quoting from the beginner guide: Are you Picking up too many white items: Spoiler: hide Try THIS FIRST! Enable key pickup via poe ui, enable alt to loot on the bot If that's still not enough space you can save a lot by unchecking "Pick Chrom items" in the Pickit tab. If that's still not enough, you can uncheck "Loot rare items". I doubt you need to get rid of EVERYTHING besides currency and gems, that seems extreme. You don't want 6 sockets, uniques, nothing?
  12. Rooroosh

    Bot Attacks unkillable Obelisks

    I caught my bot fighting one of those too yesterday, he would've died if I hadn't noticed, so I figure it definitely causes a death every now and then. Maybe some sort of "enemy target bar check" could work as a fix, since they don't have any bar once you hover over them.
  13. Ah my bad , haven't used the bot in a while, thanks
  14. I'm trying to setup a new build that uses flicker strike as a gap closer but the bot does not to use it at all no matter what setup I use and just spams the main melee skill regardless of range. Example: Static strike priority 8 range 0-150 Flicker strike priority 7 (also tried 8 and even 9) range 150-750 Bot just runs up to mobs and uses static strike every time. What am I missing? Edit: it works if I have flicker priority above static and I set the min range to 0, but I don't want the bot using flicker when it's already in melee range :/
  15. Rooroosh

    [0.19b] Serious typo in pickit.

    Curse you, English ! Thanks for sharing the find
  16. Rooroosh

    new v0.19 bugs...post the details here dudes!

    Same issue with the new looting, when there's a big pile of loot it sometimes just starts making huge circles around the item that needs picking up, never actually getting to it. I feel like overall the chances of looting things in a big pile have improved with the more randomized cursor movement but it still takes a long time due to the bot not choosing the X-axis correctly.
  17. Rooroosh

    0.18c bug when bot try to loot.

    This one is pretty annoying, makes you miss out on a lot of loot as well as botting time. It often happens with strongbox + exile combo, too much stuff on the ground and he'll just continuously scan the items, never picking up anything. I found, however, that if I manually move the bot a little bit he will start picking stuff up. So maybe as a temporary fix add some sort of a "move x steps after 15 second pickup idle" functionality.
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