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Everything posted by iGotDisTeengFoyaMon

  1. iGotDisTeengFoyaMon

    Progression tweak (?)

    wasn't sure where to put this. I'm thrilled that the guys are workin on a progression feature for the bot, though it seems quite complicated to fully implement (lots of conditions based on char progress/goals/etc) so i was wondering... would it be terribly difficult to just add in a "follower" sort of option? I feel like it'd be awfully convenient plowing content with my main and having the bots tag along spamming firestorm/pulse/ground slam. Just having the bot basically follow these basic conditions: 1) stay close by, but out of real danger (no running into a pack of colossal bonerstalkers) 2) pick up items and currency 3) spam some skill (i'd prolly use a bow char or caster or some other more support offense) 4) make tp and go to town if main dies 5) pick up quest items if dropped (like when the allflame drops, pick it up etc) 6) activate wp's when close by also, as mentioned in the progression bug thread, it'd be handy if you could define a skill point pathing that would automatically get allocated, and i feel like it'd be sweet if you could define quest reward selections as well. etc etc... i tried doing something of the sort before, by changing "farm zone" every time we progressed through the area and into the next zone, and the ONLY problem i had was that the bot would just go wherever the hell he pleased. Else, it was very effective. swap over every once in a while to allocate passives and maintain gear/gems, and plow content! I know this shit ain't easy, i was just curious if there was an option that maybe i wasn't aware of since the last time i used this was actually 0.25...
  2. with the new 1.3 tree i now have literally half of the block chance with the same amount of points spent. DPS goes down 20, life and armor go up some. got any ideas for an updated build? here's what i had in mind (note it's only a level 80 build): http://poeurl.com/y7F0aua you'd have to copy paste that into the skill planner to get it to work, since obv the new tree isn't updated on poe's online version yet.
  3. never mind, just checked the lvl 100 skill tree so there's what i need. could you give an idea of an order to do things in? obviously master of the arena is first, but then there are three ways to go from there...
  4. am currently trolling the forums on poe website for duelist builds.... is there an updated skill tree?
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