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Beta Tester
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About LeHeupOfSoup

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    Bronze III

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  1. LeHeupOfSoup

    Smart Stashing

    Exlated shards would be seen as currency though, but i get your point! Not a bad idea at all.. this owuld probably help with premium tabs too as bot doesnt take cards or essences out and only puts them in! Really nice idea!
  2. LeHeupOfSoup

    Progression testing and bugs

    The only ACT that should be working atm is ACT1.. Remember that.
  3. LeHeupOfSoup

    Doesn't Work Help

    Did you fix your setting or are you so r******d that you thought it was enough to start the bot and then it would magically work?
  4. LeHeupOfSoup

    Bot picks up certain magic/whites and stashes them

    Use key pickup in game..
  5. turn of your filter in poe!
  6. I'm guessing you are talking about a area and not a map.. The thing is, the bot is built like that, when he is full he will go to town to sell and after that reset the area.. I know, it's a bit messed up but all and all i don't think you will miss that many goodies.. Further more i can advice you to stop the bot from picking rares if you are not running maps, it's a complete waste of time, and it will most definitely solve your problems! gl and happy looting! LeHeup
  7. LeHeupOfSoup

    I need auto flask ATZIRI's PROMISE

    You would have to use Gurud's Auto Pot script.. Look it up over at ownedcore.. Also, how are you able to use a atziri flask when you are below level 45?
  8. LeHeupOfSoup

    Blood Rage

    Of course, as farbod said, its much easier to use it with cwdt since the only thing you gain on leveling it up is duration..
  9. LeHeupOfSoup

    I got a question may be dumb

    Well, you have to set a cooldown for them.. The Problem here is that she will most likely only summon ONE totem then.. I think you can get past that though.. Simply do like this; use TWO buttons in game for your totems, that way the bot can summon totem from the first button with the cooldown and directly after summon the next one, also with a cooldown.. Let's say you have totem 1 on q and totem 2 on w Q Priority = 15 Cooldown = -1 sec from cooldown on totem(That is if you are 100% sure the totems can stay alive for the whole duration of the cooldown) Max distance = What ever you prefer, but i think 20 should work Press Shift activated W Priority = 14 And the rest as above Try it out and let me know how it goes! Cheers!
  10. LeHeupOfSoup

    Blood Rage

    Priority= Highest Number in your list Cooldown = -1 sec from cooldown Max Monster distance = Absurdly big number, like 1000-1500 should be enough And you are good to go! Best Regards
  11. LeHeupOfSoup

    How to setup a cyclone?

    I dont think you really grasp HOW cyclone works.. And further more 23k tooltip is not that much..
  12. LeHeupOfSoup


    Also, buy the bot instead of using som cracked up version.. (Im asuming you are since you are not elite and still you manage to map and have items that requires higher level than 45)
  13. About the gems, do you by any chance have [Category] == "Cards" # [stashItem] =="true" [Category] == "Jewels" # [stashItem] =="true" in your pickit?
  14. LeHeupOfSoup

    devination cards.

    It should already pick them all up!
  15. LeHeupOfSoup

    0.28d - Dont pickup Wisdom\Portal scrolls

    This was the case for me too when i imported the configs.. Making a fresh install and new skill config(only importing ipd) made it work though.. So im guessing his system.ini might not even have the line "scroll_flying_distance_multipler"
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