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Everything posted by Zoloft

  1. I have flicker strike as my main attack, it works well,, unless he runs into 1 rare or unique monster with no other monsters around.. casts blood rage but never gets any charges because he dosent kill the monster, result = stands there and use's flcker every 3-4sec and dies. is there a way i can use flicker for mobs, but use dual strike for only 1 mabey 2 monsters??
  2. Zoloft

    0.17 Bug's I've encountered so far

    Yes even in this .17b i dont think f11 works. atleast it dosent seem to be working for me. Also bot still attacks air, and sometimes just stands there as if you turned him off..
  3. i know what your talking about.. and my blood rage is set up to use near 1 monster, 200 range cool down of 8000
  4. I tried the cwdt didnt seem to like it that much.. mabey its just me haha. and I will try your idea zeMagic. thanks guys!
  5. im trying to get him to use frenzy thne use flciker when ever he has charges.. not working so far.. any advice?
  6. Zoloft

    Bot is selling my Equipped items!!

    thanks guys.. no more problems
  7. i came back to look at my bot and it was trying to sell my equipped unique's. lucky its cordinates were off and was in buy page and not sell to vender. It was just holding my gloves over the buy now page and repeating...HELP!? please
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